
Dec 2, 2015
Hello!! I'm Kyo. I really like Animal Crossing and Isabelle is my wife.
I'm willing to order stuff for people even though I don't have a lot (I have most of the Harvest set, the rococo set, the modern wood set, green set, lovely set, and the sweets set) My town is kinda sad looking but that's okay because I have fun anyway!! I'd really like to have Daisy in my town because she and Gala are my favorites, but I'm not sure that I have any space. I'm also trying to get Stitches out because he kinda scares me.
Anyway!! I hope that I can be of help to some people
Hello there, welcome to Bell Tree Kyo, I hope you find what you are looking for! If you need help figuring anything out let me know, I am here to help
Welcome to TBT!

Sorry that you feel that way about Stitches, but I understand. I felt that way once, and then I fell in love.

Looking forward to seeing you around the boards :)
He's spooky!! But I love your icon!! I love Sailor Moon and Mercury and Jupiter are my favorites!!
Welcome to TBT!

Sorry that you feel that way about Stitches, but I understand. I felt that way once, and then I fell in love.

Looking forward to seeing you around the boards :)

I used to dislike him for the same reasons for the first 4 months, then realised he does actually remind me of my childhood toys, and then my heartstrings were pulled & I fell in love about 6 months into the game. :) So tastes can change.
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Hahaha, I love the bit you wrote about Stitches! I don't think I was ever scared of him as a kid though, which is strange. Anyway, welcome to TBT! and I hope you enjoy your stay here :)
He's spooky!! He doesn't have any eyes!! I just think he's weird but I'm always the odd man out since everyone thinks he's so cute.
I actually find Stitches to be quite charming! I bet if you got to know him a little better, I think you would like him a lot more! But if you really just want him out, I totally get it! Anyways, welcome to TBT!
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Welcome to the forums! I can see why Stitches may appear that way to ya. XD I think he's adorable. Have a good time on the forum!