HHD: N3DS Bundle in Stores?


Dysfunctional Dreamer
Oct 28, 2014
Does anyone know if the 3ds bundle is exclusive for pre-order only? I always get super anxious ordering stuff online and it'd be more convenient if I can just nab it from the store on the 25th. Thing is, I live in a rather small town with, like, one Walmart and I don't even know if we'll even be getting it.

I live in Canada, by the way. So, here, this bundle costs a bit over $300. I'd be less nervous about ordering it if the price wasn't so intimidating.
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You could try calling your local game store and see if you can pre order in stores I know in the us it's only by preorder from GameStop
So far, in the US, you can pre-order it online on both GameStop and Amazon, with the latter added quite recently. GameStop also added in-store orders recently as well, so that's an option.

GameStop and Amazon are the only two retailers that are selling it in the US right now. Best Buy HAD a listing for $49.99 which was strange, but then it was changed to the NFC bundle (but the picture STILL depicts the N3DS bundle so I don't even know lol).
i don't think they will have the bundles in stores unless you pre-order it in store.
So far, in the US, you can pre-order it online on both GameStop and Amazon, with the latter added quite recently. GameStop also added in-store orders recently as well, so that's an option.

GameStop and Amazon are the only two retailers that are selling it in the US right now. Best Buy HAD a listing for $49.99 which was strange, but then it was changed to the NFC bundle (but the picture STILL depicts the N3DS bundle so I don't even know lol).


Scratch that. Seems like the bundle will indeed be sold at Best Buy, too!
Idk if WalMart would be getting it in store, but I just found out you can order the bundle from their site as well. It's the same price as best buy and amazon, but it's 269 even, and you'll get free shipping. So if you want to order online, go with best buy or walmart, bc free shipping.