Hi, I'm Dani from Australia. The username is a funny little nickname one of my villagers gave me... 
I've been a huge fan of the series since AC:WW, which I used to play religiously. I'm so happy to finally have this title on the 3DS, even though I don't have as much time for it as I used to. I was lucky enough to be given the special edition 3DS XL from the UK (the cute white one with AC symbols all over it) as a late birthday present and I love it so much!
I'm looking for friends to play with and I'll probably hang around here to look for hints and tips. I'm studying for exams at the moment so my playtime is all over the place, but if you add me please let me know. Thanks!
3DS FC is 3539 9672 8923
I've been a huge fan of the series since AC:WW, which I used to play religiously. I'm so happy to finally have this title on the 3DS, even though I don't have as much time for it as I used to. I was lucky enough to be given the special edition 3DS XL from the UK (the cute white one with AC symbols all over it) as a late birthday present and I love it so much!
I'm looking for friends to play with and I'll probably hang around here to look for hints and tips. I'm studying for exams at the moment so my playtime is all over the place, but if you add me please let me know. Thanks!
3DS FC is 3539 9672 8923