Hi everyone~!


Senior Member
Dec 8, 2013
Yellow Feather
Purple Feather
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
I thought I'd finally take the plunge, stop lurking and start contributing! Nice to meet you all~

I play as Yuki, mayor of the town of Kyoto, although my real name is Amy. My username means polka dots in Japanese (水玉). I couldn't resist when I realised it wasn't taken.

I'm located in the UK and I've been playing Animal Crossing since Wild World, although New Leaf has definitely been more addictive for me. I recently reset the town I had from launch because I couldn't stand the map anymore... I'm soooo glad I did because it's made me want to play so much more since!

I just put together an avatar for myself, although I haven't actually designed anything in years. I think it turned out cute enough. :)
Welcome to the forums! cx What do you prefer to be called by? I like your username ~
Thanks everyone!

@HelloAnna- Mizu or Mizutama is fine! I'm sure it could get confusing otherwise. Hehe~