Hi friends! Wanna play?


Junior Member
May 13, 2019
0% (0) +
i just want someone to play with!! my fc is 534442004174. my town name is honey and my mayor name is daisy. town fruit is pears and i have every fruit i believe! come visit and i want to visit you!

I just restarted my town, so it's super underdeveloped, but if you don't mind me hangin around, I could probs play with you. My fc is 4871-7417-6533. Literally restarted a couple days ago, so don't judge my town too hard if ya wanna pop over.
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Same as cedar-leaf; town is nothing near developed but having people to play with should make it more fun! My fc is 2595 6865 8572

I added you both :)
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Same as cedar-leaf; town is nothing near developed but having people to play with should make it more fun! My fc is 2595 6865 8572

I added you both :)

Sweet! I'm gonna hop on later today. I'm trying to get some of the villagers to move out to make space. :p If you wanna peek your head over in my town my gate will be open in like 2 hours, I can message you when I'm online if ya want.

It's nice to have an underdeveloped buddy to play with! :>
Sweet! I'm gonna hop on later today. I'm trying to get some of the villagers to move out to make space. :p If you wanna peek your head over in my town my gate will be open in like 2 hours, I can message you when I'm online if ya want.

It's nice to have an underdeveloped buddy to play with! :>

I?ve been sick the last couple of days so i just opened my gates haha. First time doing this by the way so I?m a bit of AC n00b haha!
i just want someone to play with!! my fc is 534442004174. my town name is honey and my mayor name is daisy. town fruit is pears and i have every fruit i believe! come visit and i want to visit you!

I just restarted my town, so it's super underdeveloped, but if you don't mind me hangin around, I could probs play with you. My fc is 4871-7417-6533. Literally restarted a couple days ago, so don't judge my town too hard if ya wanna pop over.

Same as cedar-leaf; town is nothing near developed but having people to play with should make it more fun! My fc is 2595 6865 8572

I added you both :)

add my code and hope we can hang out soon

Added all my code is 0645-5821-2438 :)
Added all. My code is 2681-5334-2024. CodyMKW was already added.
I'm willing to play with all of you.
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