Hi from Ireland!


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2015
Hey all! I'm Aoife (ee-fah). I'm seriously new to the forums- so new that I don't even have a proper profile yet! I'm not a new animal crossing player, but I am new to New Leaf! My town is pretty undeveloped as of now. (But I just completed my first public works project, haha XD)
The forums seem pretty great so far. I can't wait to get to know you all :)
Welcome! I'm sure you'll like the forum even more.
Also, your roads are damn small and dark. Why is there a sign for a speed limit of 100 o_0
Welcome! I'm sure you'll like the forum even more.
Also, your roads are damn small and dark. Why is there a sign for a speed limit of 100 o_0

Because we like danger

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Hi Aoife! I'm new too, welcome welcome :D
I've added your friend code, hope to see you online (& on the forums) :D

I'll add you back! I hope to see you online too :)

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Hi! Welcome to The Bell Tree Forums! :D

Thanks :)
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