Hi! I found this place on youtube! I love the videos you make!
My name's Isabella but people shortened it to Bella and then got to Bananna (I don't know how one of my friends called it me in school won day so we just thought it was funny and now everyone calls me it) and I dont know where the which bit comes from, it's just because my grandad ons said he ate a bannanna sandich and i just thought of what i got called at school.
I like animal crossing and twilight and harry potter and nintendogs.
If anyone want's to wifi with me then just let me know or pt me ok?
Well thats it really. Hope to see some of u on animal crossing!
My name's Isabella but people shortened it to Bella and then got to Bananna (I don't know how one of my friends called it me in school won day so we just thought it was funny and now everyone calls me it) and I dont know where the which bit comes from, it's just because my grandad ons said he ate a bannanna sandich and i just thought of what i got called at school.
I like animal crossing and twilight and harry potter and nintendogs.
If anyone want's to wifi with me then just let me know or pt me ok?
Well thats it really. Hope to see some of u on animal crossing!