Hi, I'm Shan.


♡ ライフライン ♡
Jul 13, 2015
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Dreamy Easter Egg
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
I was recommended to introduce myself by someone on my buying thread. I guess I never really browsed through the forums thoroughly enough to even think of introducing myself, as I only really checked the Re-Tail section.

As the title says, my name is Shan (nope, not short for anything). I discovered TBT yesterday night and so, I decided to join the forums. I'm fairly new to the game itself; just bought the new 3DS* last Wednesday and I just had to get ACNL! ACWW was my favourite game on my old DS, so yeah. :v
*I needed to keep myself occupied during my long Summer break and I got bored of PC-gaming.
Plus, my super awesome friends play too :cool:

Before I waffle on for any longer, I'll end my post here.
The TBT community seems really sweet, and I look forward to making some new friends here. :blush:
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Thanks for the warm welcomings :)
Welcome to you too, Confetti :cool::cool:
Hi Shan! Welcome to tbt! c: I hope you enjoy your stay! > v<b Also hoping you are having a great summer! B]
Hey Shan, I'M Shan! xD Short for Shannen, though. Welcome to TBT! I hope you'll enjoy your time here! :)