Hi, it me.


Graphic Designer
Dec 8, 2015
Winter Mittens
Hello, I am new here on the Bell Tree Forums. My friend Cadbberry introduced me to this website. I unfortunately do not play any Animal Crossing games. The one thing that I do occasionally play is the Wii. I mainly computer game and play games on Steam. Currently I've been playing the MOBA Smite a lot, but I've been focusing a lot of school stuff.

I also enjoy graphic design very much and I have my own website! :blush:
Hello Shane, glad I convinced you to join :3 if you need help let me know
Wow, welcome to the bell tree forums!
I would recommened making friends in Brewster's cafe and the basement, go earn btb by posting!
Then when you fet some, you could go to btb market (even if you don't you should, you can win art, collectables and btb!)
Collectables are these cute little pictures
Hi! Glad to have you!

We have sub-forums for the wii and other stuff, so you'll fit in somewhere! <3
Haha, I'm glad. I like this. :)

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Thanks for welcoming me, I was just being informed about btb, haha. Thanks for letting me know!

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Nice to meet you too! And that sounds awesome :)