Hi, People Of TBT


Junior Member
Dec 10, 2013
Hello people, I is Wolfeh (Or Lupeh, if you want to call me that)
I'm new to the forum, but not ACNL. I heard about this website from my good friend 'BeckTheMayor'
and decided to join up.

I'm looking forward to laughing with you guys, and sometimes cry with you...
And do everything else with you.

Welcome to tbt! :D we're all super friendly here so you'll feel really comfortable and I'm sure you'll make friends in no time. :)
I am King. If you treat me like one, you won't have any problems. ;)
I am King. If you treat me like one, you won't have any problems. ;)

Rule number 1: Do not touch my boyfriends.
Rule number 2: Do not touch my girlfriends.

You know wot, just don't touch anyone ok they are all mine

Just kidding, maybe :{

I'm Lauren and I'm mean. Welcome! It's a lovely place!

She is our Queen actually. {:

Do not touch her she is mine too fanx

kidding, maybe

I seriously hope you enjoy your stay here on TBT! The Animal Crossing part of this forum has very nice people. =P
Welcome to the forums! Nice to know we have people recommending new users to join up!

Also you can total ignore SockHead he's our resident troll