I'm quite a bit late to the AC fandom, but what counts is I'm here now, right?
Hi everyone! I'm kuxip (pronounced koo-zip, or you can call me Kiara/Kiki!) I tried to post an introduction a bit ago, it said a mod needed to look it over, but it's still not been posted.. Hopefully it's okay that I'm making a new one. This one has more info anyways
A bit about me: I'm 18, turning 19 soon, and my pronouns are she/her. I love anime! I have an anime figure collection, and also a (lacking) manga collection. My favorite anime is Natsume Yuujinchou (or Natsume's Book of Friends). I also got my mom into anime, and we watch it together. As for western cartoons, I really like Steven Universe.
I didn't have any game consoles growing up, so unfortunately Animal Crossing wasn't much apart of my childhood.. but it was very apart of my teen years! I've not played the previous other games, but I've played New Leaf since the day it came out. I loved it so much I eventually got HHD, and I want to get Wild World to try as well.
I honestly didn't know there was a AC community, I found it after looking for ways to recover a deleted town. News flash: There isn't D: My mom forced me to let my little cousin play my 3DS, and said cousin deleted my town.. That I've had for 6 years.. And started her own. It was painful
I'm now restarting my town, in the community this time! Nice to meet everyone
(Also, I don't have any friends in ACNL, if you'd like to add me my friend code is 0576-8375-9280)
Hi everyone! I'm kuxip (pronounced koo-zip, or you can call me Kiara/Kiki!) I tried to post an introduction a bit ago, it said a mod needed to look it over, but it's still not been posted.. Hopefully it's okay that I'm making a new one. This one has more info anyways
A bit about me: I'm 18, turning 19 soon, and my pronouns are she/her. I love anime! I have an anime figure collection, and also a (lacking) manga collection. My favorite anime is Natsume Yuujinchou (or Natsume's Book of Friends). I also got my mom into anime, and we watch it together. As for western cartoons, I really like Steven Universe.
I didn't have any game consoles growing up, so unfortunately Animal Crossing wasn't much apart of my childhood.. but it was very apart of my teen years! I've not played the previous other games, but I've played New Leaf since the day it came out. I loved it so much I eventually got HHD, and I want to get Wild World to try as well.
I honestly didn't know there was a AC community, I found it after looking for ways to recover a deleted town. News flash: There isn't D: My mom forced me to let my little cousin play my 3DS, and said cousin deleted my town.. That I've had for 6 years.. And started her own. It was painful
I'm now restarting my town, in the community this time! Nice to meet everyone
(Also, I don't have any friends in ACNL, if you'd like to add me my friend code is 0576-8375-9280)