oi how's it going? the names zato (zat-toe...think "that toe" but put a spiky french "zat" instead...or like zatoichi but ditch the ichi part) but people call me z for short or if they have a hard time saying my name. i'm super new here. decided to join because i get lonely now that my best bud can't play much (she's gonna be going back to school, but i have lots of time right now because i'm recovering from health issues and looking for part-time work until i get 100% better and not pass out/puke blood or be in crippling pain and also so i can save for school and medical debt thanks to my poor health but it is getting better just gotta keep getting the right meds and seeing the right doctors if they let me). also i have amiibo and i like to help others out getting items and stuff, i've also been looking for some things too, and i enjoy drawing so i figured it might be fun to draw something i enjoy and so do others. so this whole place is a big ol win-win for me. i hope to make some friends and make some people smile here. in case you haven't noticed i'm a weirdo so yeah...enjoy that. nice to meet ya.