Hi there!


Junior Member
Apr 20, 2020
First time on this forum, but been playing since GameCube!

I've been working from home during the pandemic so I have a lot more gaming time than usual. I'm not great with island designing, but it's a work in progress!

I also like cross-stitching in my spare time. Currently working on a Hitchhiker's Guide themed design for my husband.

I have all fruits and non-hybrid flowers (working on hybrids) on my island.

My favorite current villagers are Julian, Olivia, and Static.

My all-time favorites (from previous games I've played) are Punchy, Biskit, and Octavian.

I'm happy to visit other islands or have visitors to mine! I would love to visit some Southern Hemisphere islands to fish/catch bugs and would be happy to return the favor!
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I keep meaning to get into cross-stitch myself, but then I look at a project and get super intimidated, ffff. Also yay, fellow married person, welcome to the forum! Hopefully doing the WFH tango hasn't been too stressful for you.
Thank you both!

I keep meaning to get into cross-stitch myself, but then I look at a project and get super intimidated, ffff. Also yay, fellow married person, welcome to the forum! Hopefully doing the WFH tango hasn't been too stressful for you.

I know what you mean! It's a recent hobby for me and I picked a super hard one (at least I thought so) for my first project! I would recommend finding a small pattern to start with! I recently did a small taco cat that was pretty simple!