Hi There!


mushroom lady
Jul 5, 2020
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Famous Mushroom
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Blue Hybrid Pansy
Famous Mushroom
So..... the only reason I made this account was to participate in "Captain Rosie and the Candy Crew". BUT now I'm stuck with it .0.
Collectibles? You have to buy them with the forum’s currency. They’re just a neat little addition to add flavor.
Ok! I only have 6 currency, soooooooooooo.....
It takes a while to build it up but if you’re active on the animal crossing portions of this forum it racks up quickly. Just FYI the general discussion threads will NOT give forum currency. Us basement dwellers would be bellionaires otherwise.
hi! I think I left before the candy crew happened I was one of the first kids in the van tho 😔 but welcome to tbt!
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welcome!! the candy crew seems pretty cool but sadly i'm too out-of-loop to understand/join in personally haha