

Disabled Account
Feb 1, 2015
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
This is really my first time posting to a forum ever, so let's see how this goes.
I'm AnimagusFish, (stalk me to find out my real name), and I'm kinda freaked out here because I'm actually posting to an Animal Crossing Forum in a desperate attempt to find somebody who shares interests with me. Basically, whenever I go to the island I'm very quiet and/or creep people out, and I don't make many friends that way. I probably won't say much unless I share a fandom with you, which, I always ask if people have fandoms. Not sure if I'm allowed to post my fandoms here.
I'm kinda in a situation where I'm stuck and not really able to leave the house and make friends, so I'm trying to be outgoing via ACNL. I'm probably going to fail because I play ACNL in short bursts that last for a week or more, and breaks that last for a month or more, but I'm kinda hoping to change that.
So, I've probably rambled you out of the room by now or you aren't looking at this, but hi, nice to meet you anyway.
sup welcome to the forums
I've only lost 4 1/2 fingers, and 7 toes since I've joined.
It's pretty nice.
This is really my first time posting to a forum ever, so let's see how this goes.
I'm AnimagusFish, (stalk me to find out my real name), and I'm kinda freaked out here because I'm actually posting to an Animal Crossing Forum in a desperate attempt to find somebody who shares interests with me. Basically, whenever I go to the island I'm very quiet and/or creep people out, and I don't make many friends that way. I probably won't say much unless I share a fandom with you, which, I always ask if people have fandoms. Not sure if I'm allowed to post my fandoms here.
I'm kinda in a situation where I'm stuck and not really able to leave the house and make friends, so I'm trying to be outgoing via ACNL. I'm probably going to fail because I play ACNL in short bursts that last for a week or more, and breaks that last for a month or more, but I'm kinda hoping to change that.
So, I've probably rambled you out of the room by now or you aren't looking at this, but hi, nice to meet you anyway.

Welcome to the forums eyyy