

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Aug 4, 2015
Hi! I'm new to the forums, obviously! Found this site a bit randomly, I'm sure I've come across it before but never signed up. I've recently gotten back into New Leaf (college took away my time last year so I barely played at all!) and thought it'd be neat to get into some trading. ^^ (Do I need hybrid flowers BADLY lol)

Other than that I'm a veteran to the AC series, been playing since the first gamecube game! I have no idea where the name "Daub" originally came from but that's what I've apparently been using since that first game, so, eh, why change what's not broken? xD Glad to be here!
Welcome! :)

I just joined yesterday, so I'm pretty new too, but I hope you enjoy your time here! There's lots to do, lol.

I've played the gamecube AC as well! Boy has it changed since then. I loved doing the morning exercises in the summer, where Cooper (I think?) would have music playing and all of the villagers would be doing funny moves. XD
Welcome to TBT :)
I hope you enjoy your time here!