Hello everyone, it's nice to meet you all, here's a little presentation : I've been enjoying AC since the one on gamecube, but ACNL really got me into it. I've been focused on ACHHD, and I wanted to get the chance to share my interest about this whole franchise with other people. I'm resetting for a new town meanwhile playing ACHHD, so hopefully this forum will come in handy when in need of help (exchange, buying or selling items and such). Per periods I can be pretty crazy about AC. I have all the games and own the special 3DS LL and N3DS LL, and I own more than one copy of a few games, and let's not talk about amiibos and amiibos cards...I'm a lost cause. For not ac related infos about me, I'm a freelance illustrator in my early's 20, and very passionate about games, music and visual arts, to mention a few. That's it I guess ?
Thanks for passing by and let's meet again in the forum, folks !
Thanks for passing by and let's meet again in the forum, folks !