

Ida (she/her)
Feb 25, 2020
Hi hi!

I thought I'd give a quick introduction, because this is the first time in maybe 12 years that I've signed up for a forum! It's honestly a little nostalgic to be using this form of communication again, it's nice. It might also be the first time in that long that I've been this excited for a new game (New Horizons, of course), which is kind of why I wanted to join the community so I can just... you know... have more ways to obsess over it until it comes out (and then probably for a long time after).

Anyway, my name is Ida (it's pronounced Ee-da). I'm from Norway but I live in England right now. My pronouns are she/her, I'm 27, I work from home as an illustrator, and I've been playing Animal Crossing since I got the original on GameCube by importing it from the US when I was 10. Been playing every main AC game since then, though my most played are Wild World and New Leaf.

Also, I have a tendency to really go on about things, so I'm going to cut myself short here. ^^; Hope to see you all around!
Hey there- welcome to the forums! Thanks for joining us. Make yourself at home, and don't be a stranger. :D

*By the way- your job sounds like it's literally the best.
Thanks, everyone!! :blush:

*By the way- your job sounds like it's literally the best.

Honestly, it's an amazing stroke of luck that I'm actually able to do that for a living. Although it's kind of marred by the fact that the reason I'm doing this job is that for a number of reasons I don't need to go into right now, I'm not able to work a regular job, and even this job gets very hard for those same reasons. But it sure beats not doing or earning anything!