I've been reading threads on here for awhile, but I finally decided to make my own account. I'm playing new leaf right now and having a lot of fun with it. My town is called Mistveil and I started in back in September. I hope to chat with some of you in the new leaf forums!
Cool! Fire emblem is one of my favorite game series. I've played through shadows of valentia and birthright and I'm currently on my second playthrough of three houses.
It's so nice to meet a fellow Fire Emblem fan a lot of people here play FEH but your the only fan I've met that plays the mainline games. I've played awakening, Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, and I'm playing Three Houses right now
I used to play FEH before it became too F2P unfriendly. I've been a fan for quite awhile. When I was younger, I would love watching my brother play radiant dawn on our wii. On our wii u, we have sacred stones and blazing blade through virtual console, so I hope to someday go back and play those, as well as possibly awakening.