

Aug 2, 2011
Silver Mailbox
Small Mailbox
My name is Stuart98, I have had AC:CF for maybe 6th months(only a few weeks shorter than I have had a wii) and played it a couple days, forgot about. Was bored today, and decided to play it. I read up on it on the ign reviews, and decided that I wanted to do the online features. Problem is, none of my real life friends that have a wii use its online capabilities, and I was looking around at videos on youtube and found a link to this place. I will be posting my friend code as soon as I can get my little sister off.(when she saw me on she was at first uninterested, then decided to make her own account. Nook is remodelling tomorrow so she feels that she needs to get her job done today.) So, that is it. Bye until I get a response! (or I manage I get my sister Sarah off hopefully the other, Emily, won't replace her..) EDIT: Sarah got off while the family ate dinner, but before I finished, Emily got on. Guess I will have to wait posting it until tommorow. One question: where is this friend code found? I take it that it is not the wii console code, as that is seperate in the "About Me" section of the profile?
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welcome stuart! friend codes can be found in the game. just click at the heart thing at the bottom of your screen.
Alright. Code: 5071-2712-1546 Name: Stuart Town: Animalia (I believe that is the spelling of the scientific name for the animal kingdom. Fits rather well, don't you think?) You will also find it on my profile, and I will soon get my wii and brawl codes up as well.
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I had already read about half of it. Just finished it up. I find it surprising that something that is 75% a load of humor like that is what people refer new users to. I would prefer a list that had the rules, and that's it. However, the humor is okay if one isn't going to be made.
Welcome you all everyone,.
Glad to see you here,.I am just join this site and want to say hi to all here,.
Keep stay here all,.