Hide and Seek

Ron Ronaldo

Seer of Heart :33
Dec 9, 2008
Has anyone's villagers ever offered to play Hide and Go Seek? I've played twice, and have only been able to find two out of three both times. XD

Does anybody know what you get if you find all three hiders?
Ooh, so they give random rare-ish items? I think? I found the last guy about five seconds after the whistle by bumping into him. XD But I was too late.
I won and got something but I can't remember what. I remember it wasn't something I particularly cared about, I went and sold it right away.
I've won twice and both times I got a gyroid. The last time I only had about 2 minutes left before finding the final person-those animals can be good hiders!
I've played twice and won twice. The first time I got a gyroid, the second was a wallpaper.
I played once and lost once. I swear I looked ALL OVER my town for Wart jr. Couldn't find him... even after the game o_O