Hiya~! ^^


Junior Member
Aug 15, 2015
Guess I'll introduce myself here as well. :)
I'm from the Netherlands and I just started playing AC: New Leaf a couple of days ago. I'm already having a lot of fun with it, it's very addictive! My villagers are: Apple, Cranston, Gigi, Leonardo, Melba and Fang. I adore Apple, she often makes hilarious comments or gets confused when I talk to her multiple times a day. She thinks I have cloned myself and wants to be friends with all of my clones. XD

I am really looking forward to the new game Happy Home Designer and even the Wii U one; Amiibo Festival. Even though not much is known about the latter, the pictures look so cute and simple games can be enjoyable as well. :3

Apart from Animal Crossing I love many other games such as Pok?mon, Fire Emblem and Sengoku Basara. I also have ball-jointed dolls that I like taking photos of and collect Barbie dolls. There's a whole lot of stuff that I like to do and collect.
Welcome to The Bell Tree! :)
I hope you have a great time here.
Here are a few pointers, in case you don't know: when people talk about TBTs, they are talking about "Bells", which is the curency on this form. You can see how many bells you have under your avatar.
When people talk about IGBs, they are talking about "In game bells", so bells that you have in your animal crossing town.
Maybe you already know this, but I was pretty confused by it when I joined so just thought I'd help you out. XD
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Welcome to The Bell Tree! We don't bite! Feel free to take a look around and enjoy :3
Thanks for the warm welcome guys! *^^*

And a special thanks to VanessaMay18 for the information about the forum currency and in game bells! I knew about there being two kinds on this forum, but I didn't know what exactly they were called. This info surely is going to make things much easier when browsing the forum. :)