
I enjoy reading fantasy books, writing short stories or poems, baking, playing video games/avatar games, reading up on historical things, and drawing. Though a lot of hobbies I haven't really delved into in a while.
Gaming. I'm trying to branch out and try games in new genres or take on challenges I never have before. It's pretty entertaining. I just finished a fire types only run of Pokémon Shield and I'm trying to breed shinies to go through the DLCs with. Still fire types!

Reading. I should get back into it, honestly. I don't know why it's so easy for me to put a book down and forget about it lately.

Writing. My biggest one. I've been writing since I was little, but my passion really got fueled when I was about fourteen years old. I'm always brewing some sort of story/fanfiction in the back of my mind, haha!

Thrifting. Love rescuing old toys from thrift stores, buying books and clothes too. I've found some pretty amazing things over the years and donate my own old clothes/items whenever I can too.

Honorable mentions are learning languages, learning in general tbh, drawing and collecting digital stuff (making playlists, pinterest boards, tumblr aesthetic posts, etc!)
@Suguri Ahh don't worry, one of the reasons I don't bake that often is also because I don't like people starting at me in the kitchen, or Judy having more people in there in general lol. I'm an adulto but I 100% get what you're saying haha

@Midoriya whoah almost black belt that's so cool!! Also yeah I like taking walks just for that, I'm not unhealthy but my current job requires me to sit in a desk for hours so I want to avoid future muscle problems mostly.

@skarmoury good luck on those exams! I do yearn for time to draw and go out too...

@Dim never considered cleaning a hobby in on itself but I can see how it could be, it can be satisfying

@lasagne_of_death thanks, that's the plan! I whould've posted pics of the banana bread but it's no longer with us (it's in my tummy)

@Snowesque that's very interesting, I'm fascinates with fashion orientes people because I'm super bad at it lol, it's a part of creative work that's very fascinating to see for me.

@Neb 40-50 BOOKS A YEAR??? That's insane where do you get the time I've been stuck in the same book for months 😭

@thatawkwardkid Always admirable to see someone able to play múltiple instruments, even if not perfect it takes a lot and I admire that. Again with fashion, very much something I'm not good at but I also admire. And, I'm a native spanish speaker so if you have any questions feel free to ask or dm me anytime.

I also noticed many of us into creative hobbies like drawing (I dreams of one day it being more than a hobby but idk...), it's nice to see, art enthusiast unite!
@Duchess wdym by avatar games? Like dress up ones?

@coffeplant I also have started to branch my gaming gentes, it has been fun
@coffeeplant a fellow toy rescuer! I don't do it much nowadays but years ago I used to love going to thrift stores or yard sales to see any little guys I could bring home. I recently found a Digimon one in somewhat good condition
While I'm currently in a bit of a funk and having trouble actually doing most of my hobbies, an obvious one is video games. I play a decently wide assortment of games depending on how I'm feeling, but tend to like games that are easy to just pick up and play for a little while at a time without a ton of preamble.

I also like studying Japanese and have been trying to teach myself the language for years now. Still nowhere near fluent, but if given time I can communicate decently well via text. I just have to rely a lot of dictionaries and such to make sure I'm conveying what I intend.

I also draw, and would like to draw more often. In the past I drew all the time, but I feel like social media and the breakdown of my friend groups has zapped a lot of the motivation I once had, and I'm also trying to wrap up a very art-heavy project which has made it hard to just sit down and doodle (I struggle to work on non-project artwork whenever I have a bigger project hanging over my head, unless I want to sneak in something that has a deadline).

Something I want to get more into is gardening. I have all these things that I'd like to do, to grow a bunch of native plants and generally make a habitat for pollinators, but there's a lot of work I need to do to get the ball rolling on that (landscaping, mostly) and my focus and energy issues made it too hard to accomplish last year. This year, I'm hoping I can actually grow some things.
@Devicho all those sound fun! Good luck on the art and language study and gardening this year! Those are some things I want to do too heh...
Here are some of my favorite hobbies:

Sports: I enjoy playing tennis, though I've recently started taking pickleball lessons and love it. Also, I like watching soccer and NBA games.

Video games: Nintendo games and RPGs are my favorites. Also, cozy games are fun to play when I want to relax.

Writing: I liked journaling as a child and want to start calligraphy soon.

Drawing: I've taken some art classes in grade school and college and really like drawing. I mainly use graphite and colored pencils for artworks. This is a childhood passion of mine and I'd like to start an art thread soon here. Maybe I'll even take commissions for some people, especially once I've become more proficient in digital art.

Reading books: I like reading all kinds of books, and the library is my favorite place to visit. Generally speaking, I prefer reading paperback copies, though I'd like to start reading digitally in the future.