Holding on or letting go of the new villagers with no amiibo


Senior Member
May 2, 2020
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
For those who have had any of the new villagers - have you you held onto them for a long time or let them go? If you did let them go, did you have any second thoughts or regrets about it?

I like to change my villagers up from time to time, but I have found myself holding onto the new villagers with no amiibo since there is no easy way to get them back if I wanted them again. However, I think if/when amiibos get released for them, I would be fine with letting them go.

Curious to hear how other people have approached this.
I've held onto Raymond, Audie, Sherb, Dom, Reneigh, and Judy. I kept them all for a while but eventually got bored and moved out Reneigh and Dom. Don't worry too much about it, you can easily get them back if you browse the new neighbor network board. People even do giveaways of them sometimes too

I've hung on to all of my new villagers but not because they don't have Amiibo cards.They've all been good villagers for me and I don't plan to move any of them out.
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I did let Reneigh go 🥺 I tried to like her but sadly we just didn’t connect. She moved to a friends island and is so much happier there 😊
I have Megan, Audie, and Cyd in my town. Megan is probably my favorite villager in the entire franchise (or second favorite, but I highly doubt Aziz will ever be returning to an AC game), so she's never leaving. I don't plan on letting Audie go, but if I get bored of Cyd and want a new cranky, I'll let him go only if I can find someone to take him.
For those who have had any of the new villagers - have you you held onto them for a long time or let them go? If you did let them go, did you have any second thoughts or regrets about it?

I like to change my villagers up from time to time, but I have found myself holding onto the new villagers with no amiibo since there is no easy way to get them back if I wanted them again. However, I think if/when amiibos get released for them, I would be fine with letting them go.

Curious to hear how other people have approached this.

Effective 07.15.2021, there are two new New Horizons villagers I have not experienced: Raymond and Judy.

I have two islands. My first is my primary. It is a keeper. (Majority of its villagers are mainstays. I figure, That island is theirs as much as it is mine.) My second island is temporary. It is created and developed. At some point, it will be set to a Dream Address. And then I will delete it. The new New Horizons villagers who I let go are Audie (who was gifted to me) and Cyd (who I attained from Mystery Island and, respectfully but not regretfully, transferred to a temporary second island I have since deleted). For now, the four remaining are on my first island: Dom, Reneigh, Sherb, and Megan.

Of the six I have experienced so far, I most like Sherb. (I love the “Sherb Song” video which I will link below.) Reneigh is better than a lot of game-players realize. And I have held Dom the longest. Megan is one I want to reserve, for now, before coming up with a second-island replacement with a theme that can be kids-friendly.

If I continue playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons, for a second-island replacement (current second island has villagers from the same specie), I will require myself to finally get Raymond and Judy. But, there is one thing else to consider: I think amiibo cards will eventually become created and manufactured for the new villagers. Why? I think it is intended by Nintendo to have amiibo cards for all the game’s villagers.

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Raymond, Megan and sherb I've held on to.
The others I've had and let go a few times now.

Its hard to want to get rid of a villager, even if you're bored of them, if you can't just get them back.
I've had Audie, Judy and Reneigh ... They're all long gone ... They were boring ... I got much more interesting characters by letting my plots be auto-filled ...
I am in the same dilemma. Judy was only going to be temporary since I was using two spots to cycle but I ended up growing to like her. Been thinking of replacing Sherb with Dom since I really miss having Dom who I let move out. Raymond is a permanent; I bought him from someone and even if I hadn’t, still would keep. Reneigh I will be letting go to a friend. Haven’t gotten attached to her so even though she doesn’t have an amiibo card I’m fine about letting her go. Sherb though I love a lot (just not his interior) so I am hesitant and may pick someone else to replace and who I have an amiibo card for.

For now, I’m keeping all except Reneigh. Haven’t been playing enough to need to think about this more yet.
Meh, i think if i absolutely loved the villager i would keep them. For me, i didn’t like any of the new villagers all that much so it was easy for me to let them leave if i had them or pass them on islands.
The only one that was tough to let go of a couple of times has been Sherb. I've found him many times though so it all works out. I'd suggest if you particularly like Raymond or Judy, to hold onto them, as they're kind of a pain to find island hunting just due to how many cats and cubs there are. The others, you'll very likely find again with any sort of decent sized NMT hunt.
I hold onto my new villagers with no amiibo. I would hate to not be able to get them back easily, plus I enjoy the ones that I have. I have Raymond, Audie, Judy, and Reneigh.
Honestly, I don't care enough to hold onto them unless they're actually someone I want as a permanent resident lol
I don't see a point in keeping them just because they're new/don't have an amiibo

I've had Raymond and Audie in the past and let both of them move out just because I didn't care for them as much as I thought I would

so really, I think it just depends on how much you actually like them
I didn’t plan on keeping (or even getting) any of the new villagers, but then I found Megan while villager hunting. I love her and will definitely never let her go. She’s definitely one of my all-time favorite villagers.

Then, I couldn’t find a smug I really liked. I had initially really liked Raymond when the game came out, but the mania over him and how hard he was to get scared me away. But none of the other slugs really did it for me. I always liked Julian, but he felt different in this game when I’ve seen him on other islands. So, I decided to go with Raymond and really am enjoying him.

If I ever came across Sherb while villager hunting, I’d probably grab and keep him too. I really like these 3 new villagers and would love to have amiibo of them (and would definitely get the amiibo if they came out).
I'm currently debating giving raymond away.
I love him
Hes an all time favourite

But I have Eugene on island 1 now and he's super cool. Island 2 is meant to be orange or brown villagers only so he can't stay here.

Raymond would have gone fully by now if not for lack of amiibo
I had Raymond for a while, but I gave him away to someone else who really wanted him. I’m sure I’ll run into him again one day, I do like him though, he’s quite the sassy kitty
Right now I have Raymond on my island. I spent 3 days of my life last year using the campsite method to find him. He's stolen my heart and he's never leaving.

I've had Sherb, Reneigh and Dom. I've let them go after a while. Dom, who was adopted, spent over a year on my island. I don't regret my decisions. This is just how I play my game. I'm prepared to let someone go just to bring someone new in. If no one new interests me anymore, or if I have an island full of animals I can't let go of, I think that's when I'd stop playing AC entirely. This has been my play style since WW and NL.

Audie, Judy, Megan and Cyd have popped up on my island-hopping trips or in my campsite. I did not invite them.
I’ve only ever had Raymond, Audie, and Sherb. I had Sherb for about two weeks but he really just didn’t fit in with my island so I gave him away to somebody on here.

Raymond, now that I’ve had him since April 2020, is really nothing special to me. However, for some reason my Raymond just really likes me. He sends me letters almost every other day… and I like his house exterior for decoration purposes. Maybe I’ll let him go someday, but not anytime soon.

Finally, we have Audie. I love Audie. So. Much. She is one of the only peppy villagers I really like. I love everything about her, from her coloring to her clothes to her house to her catchphrase. I gifted her a red dress once the she wears sometimes and it makes her look like a total diva. She’s never leaving my island.
I’ve had Dom for a long time and enjoyed having him around but let him go after some time. I’ve also had Reneigh and let her go after a while, she’s uchi and I don’t have enough room for all my dreamies so I sacrificed my uchi. Audie I’ve had too for some time but let her go because I dunno, I just didn’t vibe with her much. She’s always exercising and that fitness hobby annoyed me a lot, I guess. I still have Judy though. I can’t let her go because I’m scared I’ll miss her if I do. So she’s still with me.
I let them go if I'm not crazy about them. Why waste a plot on them when you could potentially meet a new villager you like far better?

So far I've been lucky and found Cyd, Reneigh, Sherb, Judy and Megan on Nook Mile Islands (and I used campsite method to get Raymond). I kept them all for at least a couple weeks to see if I was attached to them, and then let them go.

Just waiting on Audie and Dom now.