Hopping Off the Train


Turning over a New Leaf
Aug 6, 2015
Hello there! My name is Josiah, but when I'm online, I usually go with Dinoyipi, or some abbreviation thereof.

So I didn't really grow up with Animal Crossing, as I'm sure many people around here have. The first AC game I picked up was a secondhand copy of Wild World for the DS about two years ago. I had fun with it, until I left my town inactive for a couple months and came back to find it in shambles. I ultimately gave the game to a friend because I just couldn't keep up with it.

When I got a 3DS at the beginning of this year, I was tempted to make New Leaf my first game on it, but I feared the same problem would haunt me again. What finally convinced me to pick it up in May of this year was when I learned about the Beautiful Town ordinance that could take some of the sting out of potential inactivity. I created a town called Corneria, but after a couple months, I felt that some of the decisions I had made backed me into some creative corners. So on July 11 (which I later learned was the day of Iwata-san's passing) I erased the town, and started a new one the next day called Goshen. I've had it since then, and I don't foresee resetting it any time soon.

With that out of the way, there is one thing I'd like to mention: I'm not always the most active person on message boards, and I have a tendency to sometimes vanish. As such, don't expect me to take on any long-term responsibilities. Nonetheless, I hope to become a contributing member of this community.
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Welcome to TBT!
I also had the problem with being inactive around here for a year at a time but I'm pretty much here all the time now! I hope you enjoy your time here :)