❄ Current Available Residents ❄
Dora the mouse av
Katt the kitteh av
Timbra the sheep av
Cole the rabbit av
Penelope the mouse av
Kidd the goat av
Rizzo the mouse av
& from the new town, these are available:
Rosie the cat 200 BTB
Chops the pig av
Dora the mouse av
Katt the kitteh av
Timbra the sheep av
Cole the rabbit av
Penelope the mouse av
Kidd the goat av
Rizzo the mouse av
& from the new town, these are available:
Rosie the cat 200 BTB
Chops the pig av
Hiya ^^
I?m cycling out my 2nd town to move my dream villagers into my new 2nd town. Only Lucky is left. *sigh*
& On the way, new villagers are in/out. So~
Hostown Rules:
❄ No reservations/holding a villager. First come, first serve. & Post on this thread! Please don?t pm/vm me about villagers.
❄ You must have space & be available after you post to adopt.
❄ Each boxed villager will be available for at least 10 minutes. [size=-2]So fast![/size]
❄ Adoption fees are to be paid before, well, adopting~
Tier 1) 200 BTB
Tier 2) 100 BTB
Tier 3) 50 BTB
Tier 4/5) Autovoid/Free
❄ Tier 4/5 villagers are auto voided. To take them off of the auto void, simply request it.
❄ Lurking: I?ve decided not to keep a list because of the pace. Feel free to stalk/refresh the thread all you want.
I?m using one of the fool proof cycling methods & ReTail is filled up, so villagers should be original. However, there is a chance that I may have picked someone up from a void.
I reserve the rights to change these rules/make exceptions, refuse a villager to you, & lots of other things.
Feedback, tips & good attitudes are very much appreciated.
Good luck! ^^
*I totally can't change the title of this thread?? ugh, that's inconvenient, so here's the new one. Sorry people* >.<
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