Hourly Music: What game is the best


“Assorted” Collector
Sep 9, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Palm City
Flower Glow Wand
Cool Balloon
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Chocolate Cake
Pumpkin Cupcake
Apple (Fruit)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Before I go over what today’s entry is about, I would like to wish you a happy mid-year. Today is July 2nd, which is the exact middle day of the year. As you know, once the year is over, the decade is also over, which means we are two decades into the 21st century. I’ve been talking about it all year.

Now moving to the subject of this blog. Back in the early days of my membership, I blogged about how I analyzed each hourly music and what I think of it. Well today, I’m going to go over which Animal Crossing game is the best of each hourly music, and which game is the worst. Since City Folk is the same as Wild World’s, I will not mention City Folk as Wild World is the game of focus.

  • 6 AM: The day begins at 6:00 AM when the sun has risen. The GameCube Version’s variation sounds like a happy sunrise, Wild World’s sounds like a groggy morning as you’ve been sleep-deprived, and New Leaf’s sounds like the grand beginning of a new adventure. Because ACNL’s music felt strong in this sense, the winner is New Leaf. Meanwhile, Wild World loses this round.
  • 7 AM: While New Leaf’s variation sounds like some ordinary morning music, the variations in the other two sounds like the day is really starting up. Because the GameCube Version’s variation sounds the strongest, I declare the GameCube Version as the winner of this round. Who loses? New Leaf.
  • 8 AM: All three of them sound like typical morning music as the GameCube’s variation sounds like a seasonal soundtrack for the spring, Wild World’s sounds joyful, and New Leaf’s sounds rather sleepy. I didn’t really care for New Leaf’s or GameCube’s as much, but I did for Wild World, so Wild World wins. The loser, I may have to go with the GameCube version. As of this point, all three of them have won one round each, and all three of them have lost one round each.
  • 9 AM: All three of them are perfect for this hour, as GameCube’s sounds like an average morning music, Wild World’s sounds like an average day music, and New Leaf’s sounds like when everything starts waking up. I think New Leaf wins this one for having another strong impact, and Wild World loses for its weak impact.
  • 10 AM: All three variations sound rather generic rather than some morning music, but I like Wild World’s the best for some random reason. New Leaf’s may sound like some midmorning music, but I think New Leaf loses.
  • 11 AM: All of them are completely different feelings. GameCube’s variation sounds like a carnival, Wild World’s sounds rather grumpy, and New Leaf’s sounds like the morning is coming to an end. In this round, the GameCube Version is definitely the winner, as that is the best of the hourly music of the GameCube Version. Since I have a strong disdain in the A-Major scale, Wild World loses.
  • 12 PM: All of them actually sound good. Typically, the GameCube Version’s hourly music sounds low-quality due to laziness as Wild World’s hourly music sounds low-quality due to empty notes, but this is one soundtrack they all have good quality. But the true winner goes to New Leaf. Wild World goes in last place once again.
  • 1 PM: All of them are perfect matches for this hour, but I like Wild World’s the best on this one as this is the best of the hourly music for Wild World. New Leaf is the worst. Not that it’s bad, but I liked GameCube Version’s more.
  • 2 PM: This is no contest. New Leaf wins in a landslide due to how lazy the GameCube Version’s variation sounds while I didn’t like Wild World’s at all. Strangely enough, New Leaf’s 2 PM music sounds like a remix of GameCube’s 1 PM music. Wild World loses again.
  • 3 PM: In all three games, the 3 PM music is better than the 2 PM music, but the results are the same as last round. New Leaf’s variation sounds more like a carnival, hence why I like that one the best. GameCube’s variation doesn’t sound as lazy as is 2 PM music, but it still sounds lazy. And Wild World is the worst.
  • 4 PM: In all three games, the music sounds like a signal that the afternoon is over as the day is about to come to an end. I felt Wild World’s variation was stronger than New Leaf’s, but how could it beat the GameCube Version? So I declare the GameCube Version as the winner and New Leaf as the loser.
  • 5 PM: While Wild World’s sounds like a bummer sequel to the previous hour, both the GameCube Version’s and New Leaf’s variation sounds like a stronger evening music. Oddly enough, New Leaf’s hourly music in both 4 PM and 5 PM sound like Wild World’s 5 PM music and GameCube’s 4 PM music, but only swapped. The 5 PM music in the GameCube Version is one of the best hourly music from the beginning, and definitely the best of the 5 PM soundtracks. Wild World loses once again.
  • 6 PM: The daytime hours are over. Night is about to begin. In this hour, New Leaf’s variation sounds like a depressing ending, Wild World’s sounds like a happy ending, and GameCube’s variation sounds like a dark and intense evening music. Wild World is typically the worst in the PM hours on hourly music, but this is one hour that Wild World wins. As for the loser, move over New Leaf. The GameCube Version is the worst of this hour.
  • 7 PM: As we’re at the end of the PM hours, GameCube’s variation and Wild World’s variation sound depressing as the sunlight hours are ending, as New Leaf’s sounds like a nightfall rolling music. I may have said a while ago that New Leaf wins this round, but I decided that the GameCube Version wins this round for sounding stronger. Wild World loses another round.
  • 8 PM: The night hours have begun. GameCube’s variation is another depressing tune, but not as depressing as the last one. Wild World’s and New Leaf’s variations sound rather happy while being calm and downbeat. Because Wild World’s was the strongest as it sounds like a rough adventure has ended, I declare Wild World as a winner. New Leaf’s may sound weak, but the GameCube Version loses this round.
  • 9 PM: Another hourly tune that sounds perfect for the time of the day. The GameCube’s variation sounds dark but calm, as the others sounds like a peaceful night. I think Wild World wins this round as GameCube loses, but they’re all pretty close.
  • 10 PM: The GameCube Version instantly wins this round because the music sounds like a party music. Wild World’s sounds too freaky, but because New Leaf’s sounds depressing, I have to say New Leaf loses again.
  • 11 PM: Despite the GameCube Version having the lowest quality, it wins this round because of how the others sound depressing. Wild World’s sounds like another bummer sequel as New Leaf’s sounds really depressing, but in a much darker tone. I tend to judge based on emotion more than quality, so New Leaf loses. But they all sound like the day is officially over.
  • 12 AM: A new day begins, but it feels like the previous. GameCube’s variation and Wild World’s variation sound calm and not so bad, but New Leaf’s is dark and scary. The depths of the night is a bad time for New Leaf’s hourly music, as this one is another round New Leaf loses. As for the winner, I like GameCube’s more.
  • 1 AM: GameCube - poor quality and less work put in. Wild World - nice calm night music as you’re awake and alone while others are asleep. New Leaf - dark and terrifying as this is the scariest hourly music. For the fourth consecutive round, New Leaf loses as this is the worst of the ACNL hourly music. And Wild World wins because the GameCube Version is lazy. Since people are hardly awake during the dark hours of the AM side, the music sounds kinda weird.
  • 2 AM: Another party tune for the GameCube Version. Wild World’s not just dark and scary. It’s very depressing. Even more than New Leaf’s 11 PM music. I say Wild World is the loser as its 2 AM music is the worst of all Animal Crossing soundtrack. New Leaf wins this round for not being as bad as the rest, as it sounds like a peaceful night when the last remaining businesses close.
  • 3 AM: We have a groggy and dark tune, a night jamboree tune, and a winter night tune. Usually when Wild World beats the GameCube Version in hourly music, it also beats New Leaf. The lone exception is this hour, as New Leaf wins this round as this music is one of the best Animal Crossing soundtracks. GameCube Version, however, lost.
  • 4 AM: The GameCube Version’s variation sounds like a sequel to the previous hour, but more intense. The same is true for Wild World, but less intense. But New Leaf’s variation sounds like a zombie rising event. I say Wild World wins this round while GameCube Version loses it for not only being the worst of this round, but also the worst of the GameCube Version hourly music.
  • 5 AM: We’re at the end. All three of them sound like the night hours have come to an end as the day hours are about to begin. None of them sound bad, but I like Wild World’s a lot while the GameCube Version, not as much. New Leaf is in second place.
Overall, I like New Leaf’s the best for being the most cinematic, and Wild World’s the least for having too many hourly songs I do not like. The GameCube Version is more of a mixed bag. While I like it the most for the evening hours and the early night hours, it is the worst in the late night hours. Wild World usually loses, but when it wins, it wins big time. And New Leaf is mostly random, but is the best in the afternoon hours and worst in the depths of the night.