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How did 'that' villager become your 'dreamie'?

New Leaf is the first ac game I have ever played, so I didn't have a dreamie. But out of my villagers, the one I consider my dreamie, my perfect villager, is lucky. Mostly because he reminds me of a stuffed dog I once had, and he is just adorable!
Whitney became one of my dreamies literally overnight. I do not know how or why, it just happened.
Pudge was my best friend in Wild World and he just says the most odd and hilarious things. Plus he is always on the beach and I like to see villagers on the beach
Bluebear <3

I believe I've told this story quite a few times already, but I'll tell it again. ^^

Long ago, when I was about 5, my mom took me to the local Target (a department store) for grocery shopping. I saw this little gray kitty (it was a stuffed animal, don't worry) on a shelf, and I absolutely fell in love with it. I begged, and cried, and begged some more for my mom to get her for me and she became my first ever stuffed animal. Unfortunately, I left the little kitty on another shelf and left her there. I was bawling for days until I got another one, a similar black one from my grandma's house and I loved her even more. After that, I wanted to get more toys. My mom didn't say yes to any of my requests to get a new one. Until we were grocery shopping again, and I was exploring the event section (you know, the seasonal one where the store stocks Valentine's Day, Christmas, etc. stuff) and I found the most adorable little stuffed bear. Of course, it was blue. I asked my mom to get it, (of course, by ask I mean cried for her to get it) and she let me have it. I named her Blue Bear, and she and Black Kitty slept by my side for 12 years. They're still some of my dearest stuffed animals now, and you could probably tell how happy I was to find out there was a villager named Bluebear. I spend days, weeks even to get her, searching for her everywhere until I finally found her. I don't pass up a single opportunity in the game to talk to her, because it's like I'm really talking to my dear Blue Bear.
That's cool.
Whitney was in my town until I reset, I didn't really care for her afterwards, since I never talked her, but now I just want her back.
I was interested in getting her as a villager after watching a subtitled version of the Animal Crossing movie. She looked so sophisticated and calm, so I wanted her as a dreamie. My town name is Serenity, so I think she would fit perfectly. Plus she could talk to Diana when I move her into my town ^-^

Phoebe is another one of my dreamies for the same reason. I actually cycled her out of my second town and gave her away to someone. After thinking about what villagers I wanted I decided to add her onto the list. I don't why, but for my that 'big sister act' uchi villagers have and the fact that she looks like a phoenix made me really interested in having her as a villager.

Merengue is a dreamie of mine because I think she is so adorable and plus I love normal villagers, they are so sweet. It took me a while to find out who my normal villager was going to be, I debated between Fauna, Lolly, Flurry and her. I was originally going to pick Lolly, but I want a wide variety of animals.

Kind of boring story, but I guess you could say I really planned out my villager/villagers :p
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Not going to lie, when I found out Snake existed, I suddenly felt like I couldn't possibly have a complete town without him. Because look at him.

I just kinda felt like I'd be mad at myself if I didn't at least try to get him, you know? He makes my town click in a way, and I've been re-inspired for some of my PWPs since getting him.

It doesn't help that I could just pinch his little cheeks and smooch him. So cute. c:

Oh, and his letters always seem way more hilarious. Seeing how he signs his letters is always something that cheers me up in the morning.
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Flurry became a dreamie without me even knowing it.
It all started when I lost Lolly in a TT accident trying to make space for Fang. I had Fang but I was now out of a normal villager, and feeling sad because Lolly was cute. I had an extra space again, finally got Tammi to move out. So I was browsing the plaza, and there she was being sold in an auction with a 7mil buyout. I bought out right away because something told me Flurry would be perfect for that now empty space in my town/heart. So she became a dreamie after I bought her on an impulse buy. ^.^ She's now my favorite villager, I even changed my desktop picture to the cutest drawing of her. I just love her so much *.* I might explode of cuteness overload.

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Marshal is adorable. He's so tiny and sweet faced but he's a smug so he flirts with girls and acts all tough and it is just so cute. Elvis was my first move in in WW and he instantly became my favorite. I have since lost my cartridge sadly. I was somehow convinced that Mira was a peppy, don't ask how, and I had already decided that Flora would be my peppy. I didn't particularly like any of the other uchis, and eventually settled on Cherry since she looked kind of cool. Then I found out that Mira was an uchi. Goodbye, Cherry. Flora was a random move in before I even joined TBT. I had never had an ostrich villager before, so I just thought there were flamingo villagers. When Toy Day came around and she talked about how she had been a good ostrich all year, I was so confused. I came up with a little headcanon that Flora was adopted into an ostrich family. Kid Cat is hands down the best jock. He wears a helmet, acts like a superhero, and is number one. I like snootys, and I like wolves. Whitney is both. Huzzah! (I'll admit, though, that she might be replaced if I find another snooty wolf.) Marina is an octopus, which is great, and she has a bathtub in her house so I just imagine her sitting in the tub and reading books. I see her with a watering can all the time, so I came up with a headcanon that she uses it to stay wet on land. Beau is cool, but honestly I just love his name.
Lilly use to not be a dreamie, but she and I just connected so much when she moved in, and now I don't want her to ever leave!!
Being new in Animal crossing in every way possible I don't have any history with any of the villagers.
Then one unfortunate day I lost Stitches, a starter villager, due to a horrible time travel accident on getting out another un-wanted villager. I felt so distraught for losing him and really felt tempted to reset my town but this was a good six months after the game was released/I started and I had gotten so used to the others I just decided to make Stitches my number one goal and in turn made him my first dreamie.
Followed closely by Francine, Coco, Julian, Colton, Marshal, Tammy, Genji...I can't really see playing with anyone else, even if Genji gets a little old every once in a while.
Well well well, Baabara..
My sister got into AC before me. She had Baabara in her town and hated her. I bought CF one day and start up my town...Baabara's one of my starters. My sister tells me to beware of her because she remembers her being annoying so I ignore Baabara as much as I could. Then she ran up to me like.."I'm so glad we're friends!" and I was like..."Eh! Maybe she's not so bad!"

Then in WW I get REALLY into it, Baabara is one of my villagers. I like her and we talk, and she was the 2nd villager that ever gave me her picture. That save is long gone..

So I reset NL the other day, and guess who's at the station.

My old friend. Baabara.
One day I found Doc while playing hide and seek on Tort Island. I had never seen or heard of him before, but the moment I saw his dorky look, I considered having him in my town eventually. The first time I saw Mira, I literally had a stupid crush on her. I say "stupid" because the character isn't real and it's not something I'd consider in reality as furry fandom isn't my thing.
Tangy, Cube, and Coco were made dreamies because I had them in my town and grew to love them. While the rest of my dreamies, I decided by looking through all the villager artwork.
I made wolfgang a recent dreamy, and, like Zulehan, i didnt really care for wolves, neither did i care for crankys at all. ( i didnt like them actually. ) Then, i went to my campsite to see there was Fang in there, and i kept talking to him seeing that he was pretty cool, so he moved into my town. For some reason, he move in a bad spot and was stuck/plotted ther even though was plot resetting. So, i sold him and asked some people on tbt for another wolf to get, almost everyone said wolfgang, and he was like fang, so i though, why not? I also like his colors a lot.. :)
All of my Dreamies were pretty much chosen because I thought that they were cute...but Pudge goes back farther than any of them.
I had him in one of my first Wild World towns, and when I met him, I fell in love! He was always so nice to me, and I really liked his house. He is still a favorite of mine, and I'm planning on getting him back in New Leaf. :)