I have seen these forum bells?I have about 11. I am not sure how I earned them...
so how do you earn them? I've seen people with thousands, is that a lot here? sorry for the questions...
Mostly from posting in a vast majority of boards. Some boards you earn bells at a reduced rate, if you even earn them at all. Sadly which boards eludes my memory right now.
You can also earn them from selling items like villagers, in-game items, Pokemon, and artwork.
you can get them from posting on and creating threads, selling in-game items to other people on the forum, if you're artistic you can draw for bells in the museum shop, selling villagers, there are lots of ways c:
Welcome to the forums! I'm not going to repeat what others have said on here but a good way to make in-forum bells is just to participate and have fun, honestly. And they don't mean much if you aren't going to participate in the little economy we have here.
Just chat to people offer advice where you can, don't spam the boards but offer good and constructive comments.
For each comment you will get a certain amount of bells and for longer comments (or threads) you get a larger amount of bells.
Click on anyone's bell counter in the sidebar and go to 'transactions' to see where all your income is coming from.
The only way to earn forum bells without selling stuff is to make new threads, post on threads, rate threads or vote in polls, though I believe that is only on non-trading threads such as this one.