How do I take out Post-Merge!!??!

If your post is getting merged that means you're posting way too soon after the previous post.

As a reminder, we only allow so many bumps per day within the span of a few hours. If you're bumping your thread and getting the merge then you need to be more patient. As it happens I went and looked at the thread you're talking about and your post in it.


- - - Post Merge - - -


- - - Post Merge - - -


- - - Post Merge - - -


We typically close threads that are like this, and there really is no sense in posting like that.
For future reference, post merge time out is 30 minutes. But you shouldn't bump more than once every 2 hours c:
For future reference, post merge time out is 30 minutes. But you shouldn't bump more than once every 2 hours c:

Thanks. I forgot the specifics with post merge timing.

Even once every two hours is pushing it, in my opinion. You shouldn't have to bump your thread more than three times a day.
Well I believe Jubs said 2 hours. I always go by 3 hours, but I'm not sure. I just kind of try to avoid bumping though.
Well I believe Jubs said 2 hours. I always go by 3 hours, but I'm not sure. I just kind of try to avoid bumping though.
I go by 2 hours, slightly less if I'm leaving for the night or something.
Thanks. I forgot the specifics with post merge timing.

Even once every two hours is pushing it, in my opinion. You shouldn't have to bump your thread more than three times a day.

i bump my threads every 2 hours coz that is what the rules say :)