How do you deal with schoolwork?


Jul 17, 2013
Green Balloon
Green Feather
Green Heart Balloon
Green Feather
Green Balloon
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
May Birthstone (Emerald)
This question is directed at TBT users in middle school, high school, and university (or whatever you may call each level). I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to go about university in the Fall. I was an English major in the Fall, then a History major in the Spring, and now I’ll be a Business major in the Fall doing a Journalism concentration still. There were several reasons I switched so many times, but the main one was because of how I handled my studies. I have always taken my studies seriously and done them first (and I graduated private high school as a Salutatorian), but I goofed off a lot this past Spring, and I had really, really difficult classes, which caused me to have to weather all of them. I only play single player games now (besides AC and Smash Bros.), so I don’t think that will be a problem come this Fall, but I’m in a dilemma where I’m not sure whether to take my studies casually or seriously.

If I take my studies casually and don’t stress about them, I may get assignments in on time, but I may not get the grades I want. But if I take my studies seriously for too long then that may cause me to get burned out. There’s a dilemma and I’m trying to think about how to find the balance in it, but it’s difficult. Have any tips or advice for other people? I now know time management is one of the, if not the, most important thing in life, and I also know that when it comes to things like this you have to start ahead of time and break it down. I plan on being way ahead in every class this semester, but I’m not sure how to go about it.

So how do you usually go about your studies?
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Personally, I take mine as casually as I possibly can (If that makes sense?) Like, when it comes to smaller things like simple homework assignments and discussions and whatnot then I'll usually goof off and wait until the last minute. But when it comes to a larger assignment, like a term paper or something I KNOW will be a large portion of my grade, then I'll take it seriously and try to plan it out a do a little each day. I find this to be the least stressful way for me to do things. It gives me a good balance between relaxation and working.
I guess how seriously you take your work depends on what you want to do for your career because "your grades in high school prepare you for college, and your grades in college prepare you for life (job ig)". As you've stated, you want to stay on top of your work, and the best way to do that is to get is done as soon as possible. Unfortunately, if you're like me and feel burned out after a long day of school, taking a little break to play your games isn't that big of a deal. I usually come home after school and play games for about an hour or so, shower, eat dinner, etc. and then I start my homework. I know that doesn't sound like I'm "getting it done asap," but I'm able to start my homework fresh and whatnot. As for how serious I take my work, it honestly depends on what it is. Like, if I think I can get a good grade without the extra work, then I typically won't really do the extra work, but if I know that extra work will significantly increase my grade, then I'm a bit more motivated to do so. Along with that, I try not to beat myself up if I don't do as well on things as I would've liked to because that negative energy just doesn't make the situation better.

Conclusion: I agree that balance between studies and fun is necessary, and for me personally, I find that studies are a little less energy draining if I take a break between getting home from school and doing my homework. And then, when you finish your work, you can go back to your game and enjoy the rest of your day :) Along with that, I find that knocking out the easiest work first make me feel a bit more accomplished, as opposed to starting with the hardest thing, and then realizing there's more work that needs to be done, while still not being done with the hard assignment.

Hopefully that helps :v I'm in high school right now, and ik that high school and college work are very different, but hopefully you can take something from what I've said ^-^
I'm a Piano Performance and astrophysics major, so I have no room to dilly dally. I get my work done as soon as time allocates, and I always take notes and pay attention to my professors. Sometimes I even do my own research on the topics we've covered; there's a guy on Youtube who does a lot of videos covering Calc 1 and 2, and that helped me study when I didn't really understand the content.

My physics professor always gave me homework to do on the weekends, but I still found time to just unwind because doing physics and calc homework and practicing piano all week gets really stressful. That's why I'm super grateful for this Summer break. :p
I wish I was more hardworking like you! I've had problems with motivation and long-term commitment for a long time. At times I manage to be interested in my studies for a while but most often I just can't bother to care. At this point it's gotten so bad I make almost zero effort so my grades go down, I fail classes and my studies get delayed, and I know I have to do something about it.

The good thing is I believe I can! I'm probably not the best person to give others advice on this but personally I believe that starting to work on assignments and readings as soon as they're given will make all the difference, to me at least. In high school I learned to think that oh it's ok, there's no reason to do anything yet as I can just learn it all the night before, and even though it doesn't apply in uni I still haven't been able to change my habits and actually learn to study consistently and systematically. But I believe that if I really try I can prevent myself from falling into that mindset. I've noticed that whenever I start working hard right from the beginning I'm able to maintain interest in my studies much more easily. I just need to make a habit of it. It's about self-control.

Well, anyway, as you can see I don't really have a problem with burnouts from working too hard. :D I hope you'll be able to find a balance though. It's always good to be a bit of a hedonist at times. If you push too hard your motivation and results can actually start getting worse. But I guess you already knew that. :p
I haven't been in school for over a year for just some personalish reasons, but I know before this I just wouldn't do it. It would either be too hard, I worked myself up over it, and/or I'd stay up nights on end trying to please my teachers. I might try some online classes over the summer, I really need credits lmao
I deal with my school work horribly haha, I'm a terrible procrastinator. I just can't seem to start at a reasonable time and finish stress free, even if it's a simple assignment, I'll push it off until the last minute. I've actually started and finished assignments the day they were due. It's so terrible. But I've never received bad grades, I've always had As and a couple Bs so I'll probably keep doing it. I'm a horrible garbage person pretending to be a real human.
before i graduated, i did things in a very carefree fashion. i took it slow and at my own pace, getting help when i needed it/when i could get it just so i could get my math class passed. i never really had been one to study or anything unless i was forced to do so. studying was just so mind numbing, and my dumb child self had other more pressing matters to deal with. ( pokemon, usually. )
With high school stuff, I mess around all the time. I don't really pay attention. I do not cheat, but I managed to get 13th in my class last semester out of 483. (as a sophomore, gonna be a junior upcoming school year) I basically procrastinate everything but I get it done on time, and I do a great job. I think my average was around 102.417, due to PAP and AP classes. Just know your boundaries and how long it takes to do stuff. If it is a long term project like essays or music video parodies (I hate APWH), I slowly do essays and try to be organized with other large projects. Idk honestly I'm a bad example when it comes to work sometimes. xD I studied for the majority of my tests, except APWH and some other tests that I forgot about and just aced it. I didn't study for the AP test on World History and managed to get a 4.
if it's little homework, i usually push it off until later. though if it's a project i'll work on it whenever possible and submit as soon as i can. my devices and apps can really cause me to procrastinate, waiting to finally go home and get on my phone. thankfully i've outgrown most of the games i've played, including animal crossing, i only often play 2 apps now. i'll probably not have time once i enter highschool for that silly stuff because i have homework and artwork to do daily, babysitting and chores too maybe. so i'll probably get out of procrastination soon. schoolwork is always important!
I take everything casually. I tried way too hard in high school, so now I barely do anything. My GPA is average & I’m okay with that.
When I was in middle school, I spent so much time in the office and not doing my school work that I had to do it on the weekends with my grandfather (ordered by my grandmother) sitting beside me helping me with simple stuff. I could have had a sheet of addition problems and my grandmother would not have seen me as capable of doing them without help.

This continued into high school. I failed one of my grade nine classes and had to retake it online. My grandmother, again, ordered my grandfather to approve all of my assignments before I handed them in. I was not allowed to hand anything in without having it checked first. It got annoying and slowed my progress down since I only saw my grandparents on weekends, so I couldn't hand anything in during the week.

Because I had everything managed for me, I struggled through my first attempt of college. I failed one course twice and barely passed it the third time. I started leaving things to the last minute and panicking when I had to rush to get them done. My then boyfriend controlled me a lot too, which didn't help. He required me to constantly text him all day, which left little time for school work. I would try and do it after his mother told him to go to bed, but I often ended up being too tired.
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lol i do as little as possible and never do anything at home. i don?t care and i can?t concentrate on anything so it?s difficult to even try to do things

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but im doing fine in school so it’s ok lol. not sure i’d try more if i were failing tho i probably wouldnt because i don’t care
Not very well, actually. I'm quite the procrastinator. Last school year, I had a bunch of late assignments. I ended the year with a bunch of missing work; mostly from English. I still managed to pass all of my classes, though.

I don't take school very seriously, unfortunately. As I grow older, it seems that I'm being less and less studious. It's really bad for me, especially since I'm in high school and should take my studies more seriously. I hope to have better habits this coming school year.
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hm, in your case, i'd prioritize certain classes over others. maybe for classes specific to your major or are personally more important to you, you spend more time on the work for that, and take the other classes more casually.

that's what i tend to do. for example, for my english classes last year, we had about 3 essays (two we had about a month to do and one a research paper we took the entire term to work on). however, english is my stronger subject and i know that (a) i won't need much time to complete them, (b) i'm capable of doing them in a short amount of time, and (c) i'll work harder on it when my deadline is sooner. if you can add those up it basically means i didn't do my essays until like the day before the rough and final drafts were due (and i got 100 on all of them lol). meanwhile i put off a lot of photography work because the due dates were more lenient.
I always just try to do my best while not burning myself out. I have specific classes I try to do especially well in but there are also those that are just fine even if I don't get the best possible grades.

The subjects I'm not going to choose for my matriculation examinations are those that I just try to pass and don't mind the grade much. The mathsy subjects especially, I'm terrible at those.
I'm in college too and I try to get ahead as much as I can personally. I'm an art education major with a minor in art history and I have a TON of studio art classes, meaning I have to go into the studio to work on things for those classes and I can't at home. Since I also work at my campus library, I work on assignments for my non-studio classes at work (2 birds with 1 stone right?) so that I can get ahead and not stress about having enough time for studio work as much. I guess my only advice is to find a balance that works best for you. Everybody learns and studies differently so it's hard to say what might be best for you, but I guess just try not to stress yourself too much. Make time for yourself and don't overwork yourself. I generally try to set aside one day a week when possible where I can relax and make time for myself, and it has made school much, much easier for me.
I'm in college too and I try to get ahead as much as I can personally. I'm an art education major with a minor in art history and I have a TON of studio art classes, meaning I have to go into the studio to work on things for those classes and I can't at home. Since I also work at my campus library, I work on assignments for my non-studio classes at work (2 birds with 1 stone right?) so that I can get ahead and not stress about having enough time for studio work as much. I guess my only advice is to find a balance that works best for you. Everybody learns and studies differently so it's hard to say what might be best for you, but I guess just try not to stress yourself too much. Make time for yourself and don't overwork yourself. I generally try to set aside one day a week when possible where I can relax and make time for myself, and it has made school much, much easier for me.

That’s the thing though. I forgot to mention I’m taking (pretty much) the max amount of credits this semester, in addition to writing for the school news and having to keep my workouts/martial arts up. I don’t think I’ll have any time anymore to myself, at least not until this semester is over, because I already wasted too much time in the past.
That’s the thing though. I forgot to mention I’m taking (pretty much) the max amount of credits this semester, in addition to writing for the school news and having to keep my workouts/martial arts up. I don’t think I’ll have any time anymore to myself, at least not until this semester is over, because I already wasted too much time in the past.

It kind of sounds like you may be spreading yourself a bit too thin? Would there be any way for you to spread your classes out a bit? (maybe take the ones you prioritize/ really like, and drop ones that are less necessary? Or maybe just spreading out your classes a bit more and taking an extra year of college to finish, so you're not stressed out? I'm not in college, so I'm not 100% sure how that would work, but yeah :B)