every time i start getting really into animal crossing again, i hit a point where i want to play ALL the games and experience as much animal crossing as i can each day. this usually means i have like 3 towns across 3 different games that i check in with every day. however, i find myself having a harder time growing attached to my villagers and progress when i play like this, as it feels like im putting less effort into each game than i otherwise would committing to one
so my goal is to limit myself to one game currently, but i CANNOT decide between gamecube, wild world, and new leaf, all for different reasons
i actually bought a copy of animal crossing on gamecube recently. it's always been one of the games in the series i've been the most fascinated by, and from my past experiences with it i had so much fun making patterns and designs, even if they aren't used for much outside of your home, clothing, and those sign boards you can buy. it's also the game i'm trying to get my mom to try and play with me from time to time, but i'm not sure if animal crossing would really be her thing. however, i haven't started a town on my memory card yet, so i'm keeping it on the backburner so i don't open up yet another town that i'll stress about not checking in often
wild world has me the most conflicted because i genuinely think this game might be my favorite in the series, which i was absolutely not expecting. it was my first game, but i only really started playing it for real back in september, and i was so surprised how deep the villagers feel compared to even later entries. even compared to gamecube, i think wild world has my favorite villagers and interactions by far. im really attached to my town, babetown, and i've made a decent amoutn of progress so far and i overall really enjoy the game. i think my only gripe with it right now is the fact i can't save more patterns than the 8 in my inventory and the 8 at able sisters', because i love drawing random miscellaneous things and saving them.
new leaf is the town i've probably put the most time into. i started it back in september, and so far i've made a bunch of progress, more than i have in any previous town. i tend to play new leaf like it's the older games, so i am not super specific about how i decorate my town or getting all my perfect villagers. i kinda let things happen and plan around it; i really like working around limitations, it feels fun and exciting. i love my town, basset town, i love the progress i've made with my house, and i really love making pro designs in this game.
however, my gripes with the game kinda manifest in weird little nitpicks that i can never shake. i'm really not a huge fan of being the mayor at the gate, i tend to prefer being some little poor freak that moved into town and it's up to me to make friends and make a name for myself. new leaf isn't TOO bad in this regard, other than being called mayor and stuff, i think you're still treated as just Some Guy in your town aside from when you recieve PWP requests and stuff. but it's still something that kinda bugs me, as i tend to prefer being in the background/just another villager, and i really dislike having more agency than my other villagers. that being said, god damn it's nowhere near as bad as new horizons lmaoo.
now that i reread this thread it kinda looks like i'm asking for which game i should play, but honestly i'm more just getting my thoughts out on it cuz i've been stewing about it for a while lol. if any of you guys stick to one town or play across different games, let me know how your playstyle works!! i tend to overthink these things so some input from literally anyone else but myself will quell my horrible spinning brain
so my goal is to limit myself to one game currently, but i CANNOT decide between gamecube, wild world, and new leaf, all for different reasons
i actually bought a copy of animal crossing on gamecube recently. it's always been one of the games in the series i've been the most fascinated by, and from my past experiences with it i had so much fun making patterns and designs, even if they aren't used for much outside of your home, clothing, and those sign boards you can buy. it's also the game i'm trying to get my mom to try and play with me from time to time, but i'm not sure if animal crossing would really be her thing. however, i haven't started a town on my memory card yet, so i'm keeping it on the backburner so i don't open up yet another town that i'll stress about not checking in often
wild world has me the most conflicted because i genuinely think this game might be my favorite in the series, which i was absolutely not expecting. it was my first game, but i only really started playing it for real back in september, and i was so surprised how deep the villagers feel compared to even later entries. even compared to gamecube, i think wild world has my favorite villagers and interactions by far. im really attached to my town, babetown, and i've made a decent amoutn of progress so far and i overall really enjoy the game. i think my only gripe with it right now is the fact i can't save more patterns than the 8 in my inventory and the 8 at able sisters', because i love drawing random miscellaneous things and saving them.
new leaf is the town i've probably put the most time into. i started it back in september, and so far i've made a bunch of progress, more than i have in any previous town. i tend to play new leaf like it's the older games, so i am not super specific about how i decorate my town or getting all my perfect villagers. i kinda let things happen and plan around it; i really like working around limitations, it feels fun and exciting. i love my town, basset town, i love the progress i've made with my house, and i really love making pro designs in this game.
however, my gripes with the game kinda manifest in weird little nitpicks that i can never shake. i'm really not a huge fan of being the mayor at the gate, i tend to prefer being some little poor freak that moved into town and it's up to me to make friends and make a name for myself. new leaf isn't TOO bad in this regard, other than being called mayor and stuff, i think you're still treated as just Some Guy in your town aside from when you recieve PWP requests and stuff. but it's still something that kinda bugs me, as i tend to prefer being in the background/just another villager, and i really dislike having more agency than my other villagers. that being said, god damn it's nowhere near as bad as new horizons lmaoo.
now that i reread this thread it kinda looks like i'm asking for which game i should play, but honestly i'm more just getting my thoughts out on it cuz i've been stewing about it for a while lol. if any of you guys stick to one town or play across different games, let me know how your playstyle works!! i tend to overthink these things so some input from literally anyone else but myself will quell my horrible spinning brain