How do you get your items gold?


Senior Member
Feb 22, 2009
I know how to make the shovel golden, but I don't know how you get the rod/can/net/slingshot/axe golden. How do you do it?
You get the golden rod for catching every fish.

The golden net for every bug.

And I believe you have to shoot somethin down and get lucky to get the golden slingshot

The Golden Can you get for having a perfect town for 15 days
well... i got mine from a friend (hacker) my life on ACCF is awsome. im frineds with a utube hacker named speedycraze. Ever hearrd of him??
oh cool you get all your items from a hacker? You are the coolest person on this site. We are all so envious.
shovel: bury for 1 day
slingshot: shoot 8 or 9(i cant remember) balloons and a present will fly with three golden balloons on it so shoot it to get it
rod: catch all fish
net: all bugs
can: perfect town