How do you like your Island decorated?

Island Preferences

  • Non terraformed

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Packed to capacity

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 76.5%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Sep 11, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Opalescent Crystal
Glowing Butterfly Spirit
Enchanted Bloom
Glowing Butterfly Spirit
Opalescent Crystal
Pink Star Fragment
Moonlight Halloweaster Egg
Shooting Star
Celeste Chick Plush
Red Star Fragment
Do you prefer the more natural, non terraformed look, or perhaps you have it packed where you switch is chugging along? Maybe you’re somewhere in between.
currently doing both 🫡 my first island was heavily terraformed and packed and while i was happy with it, that did tire me out! so on my second island i'm trying to minimize terraforming while sticking with a theme. I have terraformed a few parts, mainly to shape some corners (esp when i need to place bridges or inclines) and place a pathway to redd's beach, but i've never removed large portions of cliffs or rivers. Proud to say I have kept the river mostly untouched, and plan to keep the 2nd/3rd layer cliffs on the south as is. I've started decorating the 3rd layer cliffs and decided to work my way downwards.


here's my town map! this isn't updated but anyway I haven't moved the cliffs and rivers for the most part up to today. I made a swimming pool on the top right corner but I cut out a chunk to make a rectangular hole for the swimming pool instead of completely removing the cliff, so the cliff still has the same shape.



not sure if this kind of decoration would have my switch chugging, but i do like filling every corner the best i can. i dont want it to look boring 😭
i'd say somewhere in the middle is my happy place!

i noticed that my island before, i tried to include everything to fill up every single space but the lag was just not enjoyable for me so when i flattened areas, i made sure to keep that in mind when decorating. i definitely want to leave certain areas more natural (without paths or custom designs) and just have it flow nicely with the rest of my island but it's still a wip (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
There is lag on my island but only in specific places that have a heavy concentration of items and it's more noticeable when I play on my desktop. I don't have any pop-in renders though which I'm really glad for. I enjoy decorating but in ways that have purpose than the usual clutter decorating style.
My island is complete since the start of this year and I'm very happy with it. But I've been itching to decorate again and wished I had a second Switch.
Somewhere in the middle! My island is/will be terraformed but mostly nature-themed with hopefully minimal outdoor furniture aside from some of the natural DIY ones- you know, leaf piles, pond stones.. (some builds I've seen are amazing and item heavy but my poor switch lite would explode lol)
My town is a total mess right now loaded with flowers and heavily terraformed. I do have one area that really chugs my switch but the rest seems alright. My goal it to clean it up and give it more of a natural feel in the future.
I've terraformed some sections heavily, but others I left as a more open area. I've kept the overall shape of the original islands, but I've def added pounds n waterfalls n other stuff.
I do love packed to capacity but it makes my island lag so bad.. I ended up taking away some items trying to help.
I want to keep most of the existing cliffs the way they are. I've raised some of the flat areas but trying to avoid tearing anything down or reshaping the river too much. I don't have a clear vision so the existing stuff acts like a guide for me.

The more urban areas I'm filling but the more natural areas I'll fill with plants but I'm sure it'll start lagging my switch if I have too many flowers

I've been avoiding using custom paths just because I like the sound effects of the default ones. I hate how the custom paths, while they look nice, are too squishy. I might use some that add patterns to the grass or sand later but not too many.
Other. I do some terraforming, but not a lot of it. Just enough to even out some areas so that I can places paths and have some decent room to decorate. I don’t overly decorate either. I prefer to have room so I can get around and not have such a cramped island. 🙂