How Do You Organize Your Items in the Warehouse?


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
3 Envelopes
5 Envelopes
White Love Letter
5 Envelopes
3 Envelopes
Silver Mailbox
Small Mailbox
Silver Mailbox
I’m in the process of sorting and moving my items and at the moment, this is what I have labeled and planned. I’m curious how everyone else is using the storage and organizing their items 🙂. I forgot why I decided to start with the bottom storage face; might be because I’d hate to put these at the top and need to move them down later; I think the other spaces I wanted to use for organizing the fortune cookie items into more categories.

Seasonal E is for seasonal event items.

So for the longest time I didn’t know the warehouse existed. Now I just keep forgetting about it. I really should organize my items at some point. It would make finding items a lot easier . I do have some items in there and I have no idea what items they are lol. If I do end up putting items in there I would probably organize them based on season and holidays.
So for the longest time I didn’t know the warehouse existed. Now I just keep forgetting about it. I really should organize my items at some point. It would make finding items a lot easier . I do have some items in there and I have no idea what items they are lol. If I do end up putting items in there I would probably organize them based on season and holidays.

When I bought pocket camp complete, I forgot entirely about them too. I had tried a trial before pocket camp complete but never used the warehouses then, probably because I wasn’t planning on paying to resubscribe and didn’t want to lose access to my items. It took me time to remember about them lol.

They are really nice to have especially if you have a ton of duplicates that you don’t want to sell but don’t want clogging up your inventory. When you go decorate, you can access your warehouse items too so you don’t have to manually move every item to your inventory when decorating.

I think I’m going to redo how I have them organized now. I definitely want a seasonal one, but instead of keeping the events and fortune cookie furniture separate, maybe it’d be best to have them together so I can have as more spaces for different categories.
Yea I definitely have plenty of duplicate items. That’s awesome that you can access your warehouse when decorating. I wouldn’t have known that. Thanks so much. Yea I will have to place some items in there now that I know more about it.
For the warehouse, I tend to organize duplicates, items I don't care for, seasonal stuff, and put away animal photos. I find it convenient for sorting through everything since Complete made me have more items than before.
I just redid my storage and I’ve assigned more categories to each slot like: Fairs/Festivals, Fantasy, International, Shops; etc. I think I’m happy with how this looks now; I have three spaces that I haven’t labeled yet. So far I put away items I don’t see myself using, duplicate items, seasonal sets, & furniture that I’m not sure about yet.

Once I figured out what furniture/sets I like using most and my favorites, I may move/keep more in my inventory again.
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