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How many areas can I cram into one island? 🤔 Bunlandia edition...


Senior Member
Feb 2, 2016
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I can't speak for anyone else but I have been planning my New Horizons island since the earliest footage of the game leaked. Y'all I took screenshots. I made NOTES. There was RESEARCH INVOLVED. I honestly probably enjoyed planning it more than actually playing it in many ways, though I do love playing it.

I was so ecstatic about terraforming, diverse skin tones, moving buildings, proper paths and fencing, and all the island customization abilities and I STILL AM. Updates or no updates I'm having the time of my LIFE, filling my catalogue. Took a break for a bit for school, came back and am continuing to work on my island. This is pretty much my ideal game. I know lots of people are bummed about a lot of issues (which is totally understandable and valid) but I feel like it satisfied everything I wanted which was: endless customization, and god-mode (lol).

One thing I love, is just making different little POCKETS, and DISTRICTS. I am trying to cram far too many things in my island. Will it work? WHO KNOWS! The fun part is the trial and error and teardown and do-overs :) I also love just an overpopulated island so I've made farrrrr too many resident characters too haha! I'd love to share this with everyone. Fair warning, half of this is NOT DONE and is just IDEAS. This is a massive and constant WIP as I try things out, change my mind, remake areas, edit them out completely, or find out my math was wrong (this happens often)!

My island name is Bunlandia, because I am born in the year of the rabbit and I love the rabbit villagers. I also study coloniality/decolonization/imperialism, and the whole concept of taking over and colonizing this island with rabbits seemed darkly hilarious to me. Look when you're in grad school you gotta get your joy where you can ok, don't judge! I have a little flag and crest, which is a white rabbit leaping over two crossed pear branches (national tree, Pyrus pyraster, wild pear). Underneath is a green chrysanthemum (national flower, though this doesn't exist in the wild). Should mention at this point that I went to school for ornamental horticulture and applied botany, which explains how much I freaked when I saw how cute the weeds were...

Some areas that I have made already:

Port Hare - right outside the airport (haha Hareport), Port Hare is bright and colourful but a little worn and kitschy too. Pale cobblestone, blue steel bridges and staircases, functional but also quirky and fun! This is where Nooks is, and I can NOT for the life of me decide if I want the museum and tailor here. I have made a fun and bright coloured resident house for a contemporary art museum where I can play with all the cool sahara wallpapers and do "installations". Also not sure if I want to add a resident house as a conservatory/botanical garden/plant lab/herbarium (had one in ACNL). Fuchsia and her kitschy pink house live here for now!

Rabbiton - surrounded by mountains and rivers on all sides, Rabbiton is a cozy historic town and the earliest Bunlandia settlement. Town services is here, thinking of putting the museum here too? Lots of red brick, brick bridges, etc. My main character lives here, and I was thinking about putting the university here (the university specializes in paleontology, entomology, marine biology, and art restoration, very ivory tower academia).

TùXiāng - this is the newest area I'm working on, translates roughly to Rabbit Village in Mandarin, and I'm super excited about this one because it is based off the northern chinese countryside where my grandparents and ancestors lived, and my dad grew up! Imperial style, but like, PEASANT vibes, dirt roads, dusty, economic, a little hicksville, lots of cheap plastic and pumpkin farming and pump wells and ditches. I'm going to try my best to emulate the kind of house my dad grew up in with the clay oven that pipes heat under the ledge where bedding goes (for wintertime!)

Usagimura - Also translates to Rabbit Village, but in Japanese - this is gonna be where I live my Shinto mossland fantasies - want to base it off an incredibly cute little ryokan (bed and breakfast) I stayed at in Tsumago that had its own little fish farming ponds, lots of gray stone and shingles, edo-period type houses, tall and winding!

Cottontail Marsh - okay at this point a friend of mind described my island as Chaotic Evil and she was NOT WRONG, Cottontail Marsh is all my ecological wetland nerdout - grassy, muddy, soaked, lots of hopping around, a little wooden boardwalk, trying to emulate as many close native marsh plants (generic) as I can with the flowers we get! If I see a marshwalk I gotta go in, I can't help it okay. I debated between swamp and bog as well, but bog is enclosed and swamps involve more permanent trees and it didn't seem to work as well visually... This would be a fun place for a little witchy villager hut! :) I don't know why but Gaston would be HILARIOUS.

Mount Bun and the Bunland Forest - left side of my island, thinking of trying to put a little tree canopy walk in here, lots of conifer trees, an alpine meadow, good camping spot, maybe a villager like Gonzo with his perfect little log house aesthetic. I made my mom a character and house in game and she's obsessed with birding and photography so I thought it might be fun to turn her house into a naturalist center or visitor services, you know with those old dioramas and collections of fossils and animal bones to touch? Park Services style!

Lapinville - kind of also a coastal town but like, Normandy/France or Atlantic Maritime - gray, white, lighthouse, lobster traps, rock beaches. Pippy and Gabi are two of my fav villagers and these little tomboy dorks with their whitewash houses would be so cute here!

Anyways there's NO WAY that will all fit but honestly dreaming about it is 99% of the fun for me, planning villagers, doing research, gathering items, making colour palettes, etc!

I guess my question to you all is where the Museum and the Tailors would fit best. I'm thinking of moving the museum to Rabbiton, where the historic brick vibes will fit well, and putting the tailors at the Port, where the red and green would add to the colour!

But also, just wanted to share my excitement where I think others might get it, haha! Thank you for joining me <3
Looks like you've got a lot of cool ideas! Have you much done already, or a dream address set up? I'd love to see how this all plays out. 🐰
Wow sounds amazing! Would love to check out a dream address or tour sometime!
Yes! Your ideas sound great. Would love to see how you've set up the different areas if you post a dream address. I'm especially interested in seeing how people transition from one area to another on their islands, something I cannot seem to do lol.. Also, I'd like to see Rabbiton.
Thanks everyone! Will definitely post a dream address if I actually get more of it set up, right now it's mostly a mess and an OSHA hazard :) I also had a lot to decide on in terms of transitioning one area to the next! Still getting ideas and inspo from other dream addresses
your island absolutely sounds like it has chaotic evil vibes to me LOL, but it also sounds incredible! i don’t even need to see any photos of it to tell just how much time and effort you’ve put into things!

i’d definitely be interested in visiting if/when you share a DA, but as for your museum and able sisters predicament, i think the locations you’ve been thinking about would suit them best! ^^
It's really nice to hear someone actually enjoying the game besides all its faults. You also got some really cool ideas! Hopefully i will get to visit your island sometime once you got an dream adress.

I also think that the museum would fit well in Rabbiton since you have lots of red undertones there and also an university. Able sister's would also look nice at the Hare Port.
Honestly I feel bad for saying this but acnh was made for idiots like me who just want the control to make their own nation-state. I'd love to get more stuff, npcs and buildings, and all that! But I wouldn't trade the diverse skin tones and CHOOSING VILLAGER PLOTS for anything. I still flash back to how many resets I did trying to move a villager plot ONE SQUARE
i have to say it...this thread is hilarious! i dont know why more folks arent participating in this one because This is what acnh is all about! i love visiting other peoples islands and see what theyve created!! i have one friend on here that i wont name but they literally have set up tiny bits of their island where they put their bug models worshipping things like the annivesary cake, and the watermelon beach ball!!! HAHAHA!! *you know who you are ;)* and their island is just FULL of that sort of thing...its just everywhere that you look and if youre not paying attention to detail you will completely miss the awesomeness that theyve brought into existence!
romancement? i want to visit your island sometime! it sounds amazing :D