How many hours of gaming do you get on average per day/week

Stone Cold

Senior Member
Sep 9, 2018
A lot of people manage to play a lot of games even if they have busy lives. Otherwise you wouldn't have so many people with hundreds of hours logged into several different games throughout their lives.

For me, it depends. I can go months where I game a bit everyday to weeks/months where I don't play games AT ALL. It depends on my free time available and also if I'm in the mood for games or not. Sadly days only have 24 hours and if I want to do or prioritise something different in my free time such as listening to music, exercising, reading the book or travelling/going to new places I gotta cut down on my gaming time.

But currently? On weekdays I play about 1-2 hours a day on average I'd say. On weekends I play more, about 3-4 hours a day, I guess?

This might seem like a lot but nah not really. 1 or 2 hours of gaming a day will just add up as the days go by. And the weekends also buff up the average quite a bit.

...and if I decide to pick up and play a game like Football Manager or Civilization again, there goes an entire weekend to those games!

What about you?
I used to play several hours every day when I was younger because I wasn’t in university yet and didn’t have as many commitments. Nowadays though I’m lucky if I get in even one hour per week. When I’m not in university though I still manage to get several hours in a day. :)
I'd say at least three hours almost everyday, maybe more.
I'm not employed currently so I do all the housework, then game/internet as soon as I'm done.
I used to play several hours every day when I was younger because I wasn’t in university yet and didn’t have as many commitments. Nowadays though I’m lucky if I get in even one hour per week. When I’m not in university though I still manage to get several hours in a day. :)

Yeah. When I was a kid/teenager, I'd play games all day during school breaks. I took a break after every 60-90 minutes, though, so it's not like my parents were negligent haha

Tbh I don't have the energy to game all day anymore, even if it's on a weekend or day I have nothing else to do. Dunno what is. Unless it's a game on the computer where you don't have to be constantly focused like Civilization or something.
I always play the entire evening, so usually 5-6 hours.
it really depends on my mood and how busy i am. on fixation weeks i can go up to well beyond 60-100 hours per week, but when i feel drained or i'm busy with school i can get around 1-5 hours maybe.
It varies pretty wildly on what's going on for me. Some days I won't game at all. In an entire week though... it's very rare that I go an entire week without gaming at least a little. Even when I'm vacation I tend to game during part of them, for the downtime parts, such as when I'm in a plane.
I play 2-3 hours per day on various things (TV, Pocket Camp mobile, etc). If it’s longer then it’s probably 4-5 and only because I’m chatting my friends up on Overwatch the entire night.

I used to be a “serious” gamer so I’d throw so many hours into WoW. Now I am happy with AC, Stardew, and the occasional competitive game with friends who make it fun. I don’t want to waste any more atrociously long hours into anything. Until AC Switch, of course!

If you’re wondering, WoW was generally 40 hours a week or more. That’s not something I’d ever want to do again for any game, lol
i probably get around 3-5 hours per day; not all at once, though, as i’ll take breaks to do other stuff ;u;
6 or 7 hours a week, with a bit more on a good week. I'd like to have more, but I have a social life and responsibilities.
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Honestly not really that many recently, I end up spending most of my free time watching YouTube/anime and browsing this forum haha. If I really wanted to go hard on a game though, I could probably put down a good 40+ hours in one week, and that's on top of work and other responsibilities. I think the last game I did that for was Witcher 3 though, and I don't plan on doing that again anytime soon as it can really burn you out quite fast. A couple years ago when I was obsessed with blacks ops 4 though, I probably played an average of 8~ hours a day for many months, which to me now is just absolutely crazy.