How many turnips did you buy today

K. K.

Senior Member
Dec 27, 2008
:brrrr: :brrrr: :brrrr: :brrrr: :brrrr: :brrrr: :brrrr: :brrrr: :brrrr: :brrrr: :brrrr: :brrrr: :brrrr: :brrrr: :brrrr: :brrrr:
I only bought 400. Her prices have been over 100 bells every week and usually Nook only buys for 60-some bells. So I don't want to waste too much if he has another bad week of turnip prices.
leelu said:
I only bought 400. Her prices have been over 100 bells every week and usually Nook only buys for 60-some bells. So I don't want to waste too much if he has another bad week of turnip prices.
mine were 97 per turnip
I don't risk buying turnips. If somebody has high prices, I usually just TT back to get some :3
So I didn't buy any today.
I wish I could have bought some, but there was nobody who would allow me into their town to purchase some. Joan was selling them for an incredible amount today and I just didn't feel like buying them =P Anyone want to Time Travel for me?
Forgot to mention, I would have probably bought more than 10,000 Turnips just to profit so future business have some funds to get up from the ground.

My 500th post!
K. K. said:
leelu said:
I only bought 400. Her prices have been over 100 bells every week and usually Nook only buys for 60-some bells. So I don't want to waste too much if he has another bad week of turnip prices.
mine were 97 per turnip
100 as usual. i don't have the money to truly go beyond it. my turnip prices were the same also.