mine were 97 per turnipleelu said:I only bought 400. Her prices have been over 100 bells every week and usually Nook only buys for 60-some bells. So I don't want to waste too much if he has another bad week of turnip prices.
and sometimes my Nook's buys them for over 500 bells per somedaysxYoh said:mine were 104 ._.
holy sweet JesusBiochao said:7000 turnips for me!
sell those then upgrade your housebloodbend3r said:joan was selling for only 98 bells in my town, so i bought all that i could with my "house-upgrade" money.
97,2500neverbeenkrissed said:at 98 per turnip, i bought 2100.
How much would you have bought if you didn't forget?Tyler said:None, I forgot about it.
100 as usual. i don't have the money to truly go beyond it. my turnip prices were the same also.K. K. said:mine were 97 per turnipleelu said:I only bought 400. Her prices have been over 100 bells every week and usually Nook only buys for 60-some bells. So I don't want to waste too much if he has another bad week of turnip prices.