Games are often a large time sink. It means I'm going to have to regularly sit and commit to sessions and slowly chip and chunk away. I'm not as into that idea anymore.
this is basically how I am. it does take a lot of time to play games, and I have other ways in which I would prefer to spend my time right now. I guess playing video games isn't nearly as high on my priority list as it used to be.
I've gone through long stretches of time where I play very little. However, over the past four years, I have been playing games a lot more than I ever have before. I think that's thanks to FFXIV and me shifting more to gaming on my PC (which allows for me to sit at my desk, which is my comfort place, and also listen to podcasts, YouTube videos, audiobooks, music, etc. in the background while playing).
I get intermittent hyperfixations. I bought Minecraft again two months ago and I’ve fixated on it so hard I already have 530 hours on my world which is honestly unhealthy, that’s like 9 hours a day.
Other times I’ve gone a year + only gaming every few weeks if that.
There’s so many games I bought and never played, but here I am wanting a new computer for the MGS3 remake. That’s the first game I’ve felt really compelled to buy a new computer for! I think it was announced before the new Monster Hunter anyway, which I don’t really care about anymore. See, I’m even avoiding replaying MGS3 because I feel like it’ll quell that excitement, but I need a new PC if I’m playing that and will I even have it before the excitement naturally wears out?
I guess it also depends if I have a real buddy. These days I’m just not compelled by most games enough to beat them on my own. Tons of games have a lot to enjoy but… aren’t fresh enough for the time sink to play them. Like I can just distantly appreciate them. In general I prefer design trends of older gens (primarily 6th-early 7th gen) and indies. Even then a lot of games, I ain’t share taste with my friends.
Side note, MGS3 is absolutely one of the exceptions and a verified masterpiece, I guess you don’t need me to say that but I am P I C K Y with games and my use of the word “masterpiece”. If I already had a modern rig and knew I could play it I would absolutely fixate on the pre-release material for it. I’ll just have to salivate.
I go between not playing any games for months bc of my schedule to only playing video games for hours on end for days, my monthly average of gaming is probably 20 hours. I wish I could play more often, I don't play any mobile games and I try to only take what I need when I go out now (phone keys wallet) (bc back problems) so I'm not as into handheld gaming as I used to be, which gives me even less chances to play games. Handhelds are so big now! I wish you could dock the switch lite, I would just have one of those and take it everywhere tbh
I played them a lot when the event came around. Probably put more hours in then I have the whole year during those 2 weeks. I would like to just play games after work or whatever and settle down before night, but usually there's so much other responsibilities that doesn't happen often or at all lol.
Totally depends on how much I'm drowning at work. Sometimes I go a week or two without playing any games, especially if I'm sort of "between games" and nothing is my #1 interest right that moment. In my free time I also read a lot of books, go for walks in my area, play co-op board games with my partner, visit with a couple friends from time to time, and occasionally play music, so sometimes those things end up taking precedence for a while.
I also spend a lot of time on the computer for work, so some nights I just don't want to look at even more screen glow for recreation.
Other times, though, I'll get sucked into a specific game and then play daily for a while. I'm currently playing through the final huge expansion for Destiny 2 with my partner, and I'm also working my way through Pokemon Violet, so I've been playing every day this last week and will probably be averaging 5-7 days a week for a little while here. It ebbs and flows.
I think I’m getting to a point where it depends if I have people to really share it with. Like not just finding randos in a game but if I can discuss the same games with my friends and people I care about. I have 700 hours or something on Minecraft across the last 3 months and it’s finally just slowing now because my boyfriend isn’t able to play due to hotspot issues. I certainly was doing more on Steam when there was someone I knew/wanted to play with on there. Alas my boyfriend has no PC, most of my friends do not or have very different tastes in games.
Edit: crying rn, didnt realise i posted three posts ago.
I try to play daily to keep stress down, but I can't ever do anything daily haha. So realistically I play probably 3-4 days a week. Anywhere from 2-5 hour sessions. Every once in a while i'll do 8 hour sessions. It just depends on what is going on at the time.
There are times I go a whole month without playing games but I'm really not doing well when that happens because I feel that bad or I have alot of other stuff to do that month. Its usually a mixture of both when that happens.
But right now I am super enjoying wuthering waves so I have been making myself get on there for at least the daily quest and to use the wave plates because I want to continue playing this game for a long time. That takes me just a few minutes.
But video games are important to me and gives me a little freedom.
In an ideal world, I would be playing games daily (or as close to daily as possible). However, just due to the way life is, sometimes I can go weeks without playing anything, which does admittedly make me a bit sad when that happens just since there is a backlog of games I want to get through sooner rather than later. Whenever I do get the time to play a game, usually it's for a few hours.
it really depends, i suppose. now that i've finished my master's program, i have more free time after work, but that also means i have more free time to focus on other hobbies, friends, and pastimes. i usually play a game every couple of days for about an hour at a time. sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. i try not to think about all of the games i would like to play and just go with the flow as to what i want to play in the very moment i decide to pick a game up. it helps me not be paralyzed with indecision.
For the past year: almost none, other than Pikmin Bloom which is mostly playing around my regular activities.
Reason being that the place I lived at for a year was so gosh darn loud outside with people screaming etc. all the time that I couldn't relax at home and tried to spend as much time as possible out. Also didn't help that my TV was next to the window which was the loudest part of my room...
But now I live with my bf in a quiet place with more room, so I'm planning on spending more time playing! Also want to either build a gaming PC or buy a new console. I work at a video game company so it's good for me to actually experience games sometimes.
My average gaming schedule is ludicrously varied. Some days like today I’ll play nothing, but then I’ll hyper fixate on a game for anywhere from a week to months and play it hours a day
An hour or two a couple times during the week and maybe three hours on Saturdays if I have the day off. Sundays I will usually play for about two hours.
I've got one of those brains that is a single cartridge slot (ie I can do one thing well and a lot) so I can go months without playing anything because I'm fixated on something else. when I am into a game it's all I can think about until I "finish" or something else draws me in. sometimes I actually avoid a new thing to try to keep myself from losing interest in what I'm currently enjoying lol. it's hard for me to move back and forth between hobbies.
Usually as much as possible in my spare time unless I'm busy with something else that day. It's one of my favorite ways to remove stress, especially considering I don't drink alcohol and can't go to too many places from where I'm at anyway. The people who say you have to be doing something productive 7 days a week are spouting bologna, lol. Most people need at least a bit of time to recharge, even if it's not for long.