How often do you update your dream?


Senior Member
Mar 29, 2016
Yellow Rose
Yellow Lily
Yellow Pansy
White Rose
White Lily
As I was updating my dream address for probably the third time in a week, I stopped for a second and thought: 'wait, this is probably weird, right?'

So I was wondering, does anyone else update their dream this much? I don't always update it this frequently, but usually I only have to change out a couple of items and it instantly bugs me that people can see the 'inferior' way I had it set up before. It's like I have this bizarre need to always present the most up to date version of my island possible, even though there's no way anybody would ever notice the tiny changes I made!

I imagine most people only update when they've made major changes to their island, or perhaps only when they've undergone a complete renovation, but perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe you've just uploaded your dream once, and now you're done with it! Am I the only one that keeps theirs pretty much constantly updated, just because it's satisfying?
If you like something in your island that you did or happened across and want to save it for others to see or record, then that's all that should matter. There will always be someone who thinks something about you or that you did is weird. You should do it if it makes you happy.

I haven't even touched my DA at all lol. I never really uploaded one for my town in NL until like the last year that I played frequently. Now I just log on to mess around, but there's no desire to update a DA for either. For NH I think I'm mostly waiting to see what else comes around. For NL it was because there was a lot of stuff that I had plans for, but I just took my time until I finally got it the way I wanted it.
it makes sense for you to want to update your island every time something changes! why make the change and then not be able to show it off? personally I rarely alter anything about my island so DA updates are few and far between for me, aided by the fact my NSO online ran out a while back and I haven't gotten around to buying any more just yet, but whenever I end up getting it back I'll probably keep my DA updated to any changes I make
i haven't updated mine since... october? maybe some time before/after that, i'm not too sure. i've wanted to update it recently, but it's just too much hassle since i have a lot of stuff on the ground -- fish bait, weeds/oranges/plants outside nook's for mile tasks, and one of every color flower in preparation for my rainbow flowerbed. of course i can store the other items, but i don't (think i) have enough inventory space to hold all the flowers at once (plus the added dozen i have for breeding) and, for some stupid reason, you can't store them, so it's a no-go until i finally get a blue rose and make the flowerbed. could be months before that happens lmao, but i don't particularly have a choice. fortunately, i don't think i've really made any changes since it was last updated -- only two little areas -- and i don't really get visitors anyway, so there's no rush.
I update my dream address every once in awhile. Usually after I finish an area I was working on. I used to update more but haven’t figured out what to do with some areas.
I change mine when there is a noteworthy change.

I won't change it every time I get a new villager but if I've got like 4 or 5 new villagers I will.

If I've reworked parts of my island I will
But I won't if I've only made minor changes to what's outside someone's house.

Things like that.
Once in a life time 😅
That one time still hasn’t come around.
I’m hesitant to post a dream address until I feel like my island is complete. That’s what I did in new leaf. My new horizons island is still pending.
Never. I only reuploaded it so a friend could give me some feedback on where i could put a colosseum. I will probably remove it again eventually until I improve my island.
I try to update it at least once every few weeks to keep up with the season and weather. If I make a big change that I'm proud of I'll go ahead and update it then too.
For awhile it was about once a month but recently I updated it a few times in one month. Just depends if anything has changed or been rearranged.
I haven't even updated my dream, I only uploaded it.

However this is cause my island is still a WIP and I want to update it when it's almost finished or finished. I would also like to update it seasonally but I can barely decorate my island for the seasons when they do happen.
Usually when different bushes bloom I update but I really like how it rains petals so at the moment my dream town is set to the cheery blossom season
Once in a life time 😅
That one time still hasn’t come around.
I’m hesitant to post a dream address until I feel like my island is complete. That’s what I did in new leaf. My new horizons island is still pending.
^ this. :LOL: my island is still very much a WIP,but i also haven't touched my switch in a
i will probably only upload this for one time, unless later on i decide to majorly renovate or flatten my island.
I only ever update it whenever someone shows interest in checking out my whole island after a trade. I would then update it real quick before sending them the address. It's been a few months, I should probably update it for the heck of it. 🤔 I mean it's forever a work in progress anyways haha.
I've uploaded a few times, but mostly once per season or for a holiday. Haven't updated since Bunny Day. Before I update I always have a lot of cleaning up to do. 😅

My island is far from done, but I wanted to share with my cousin since she doesn't play as much anymore and hasn't visited in a long time.
I only ever update it whenever someone shows interest in checking out my whole island after a trade. I would then update it real quick before sending them the address. It's been a few months, I should probably update it for the heck of it. 🤔 I mean it's forever a work in progress anyways haha.

Do it! I am sure @xara would love to see what mobsters dream and (not to mention the graveyard 👀). J/k no pressure 😛. Also research material 😏😉🤭.
I rarely update my dream. The last time I did it was two months ago, and that was back when the snow was still around!
Do it! I am sure @xara would love to see what mobsters dream and (not to mention the graveyard 👀). J/k no pressure 😛. Also research material 😏😉🤭.

👀 Y'know I was thinking of adding a few new touches to the graveyard, I'm sure you guys would really appreciate them too... 😉 😈

Sure, I'll update it today and once I make those changes, I'll update it again. 😄