How to dispose of DIY items you don't need


Junior Member
Apr 3, 2020
Hello, I was wondering what you do if you want to dispose of DIY items you don't need. I don't want to make all the bunny day DIY items but I will for the reward, what could you do with them afterwards? Also if I pick up a DIY card that I already have what do I do with that? Can you sell DIY items?

Second question, having a very hard time getting iron nuggets during the bunny day event all the rocks I hit have eggs in them instead of iron nuggets! I wish there was a better way. I have been traveling to different islands as well. Its also hard to save them when some of the tool DIY required iron nuggets to make I suspect It will take me awhile to build the store.
you can sell extra diy recipes to nooks' cranny or you can sell extra recipes on here. i usually sell extras here to get more igb
First question: you can always sell things you don't need to Timmy and Tommy, or even if you have a garbage bin you can throw it in there to dispose of it permanently too.

Second question: it might be harder to find iron nuggets while the event is around, as stone eggs take up their spawn rates, but if you visit enough islands and hit every rock multiple times (by digging two holes around it so you don't bounce back) you should easily get enough nuggets for the store.