How to get iron ore the easiest?


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2016
I swear its so tedious. I need more iron ore. Is it best to get it first thing in the morning?
You can only get ore from the rocks on your island once a day. So your best option is to grind miles to visit the mystery islands and hit the rocks there. 2000 miles is not that much. You should be able to gather that amount rather quickly...
I also got iron ore from a balloon, but it seems rather random.

Also, keep in mind that eating fruit before hiting a rock will destroy them and you'll only get one drop as opposed to 8-9 if you hit the rock without the buff.
I managed to ruin 2 rocks on my island before i realised that i had eaten a bunch of fruits...
I also got some iron from a balloon so the game is probably helping a bit.
I personally havent struggled with iron at all. My game seems to hate the idea of me having soft wood ;;
But make sure you are checking every rock on your island daily, and draining the islands of their resources every time you go.
The best way is shoot down presents. Both my husband and I have lots from the bloon presents we shot down yesterday.
I personally havent struggled with iron at all. My game seems to hate the idea of me having soft wood ;;
But make sure you are checking every rock on your island daily, and draining the islands of their resources every time you go.

I get a lot of soft and hard wood, but normal wood is rarer than gold on my island lol I wonder if every island has a kind of "rare" wood!
Is there any way to get rid of the buffs from fruit without destroying rocks or cutting down trees?