How to get unlimited KK songs in one day


Senior Member
Dec 20, 2008
a. On Saturday, turn your game's clock to 7:59pm.
b. Get your song from KK when it's 8:00pm.
c. Save and repeat.

You can do this all in one Saturday, as many times as you like with one character. ^_^

Note:: Gamecube version only!
I feel that's cheating, I would be patient and play the game it was meant to be played. Anyone is free to do this, but it's only taking away gameplay time.
Galen said:
I feel that's cheating, I would be patient and play the game it was meant to be played. Anyone is free to do this, but it's only taking away gameplay time.
Play ACCF for 4 years or play it for 20 years... I choose the four, AC games are so long, even with TTing, it's hard to get every single thing. :|
I haven't beaten a single AC before the next one came out. o:
genandnic said:
Just giving some advice to the cheaters...
Well cheaters should find out how to cheat for themselves ;)

Play ACCF for 4 years or play it for 20 years... I choose the four, AC games are so long, even with TTing, it's hard to get every single thing. :|
I haven't beaten a single AC before the next one came out. o:
That's the point. The game is supposed to go on forever, just like in real life. Getting everything isn't necessary to have fun with it, and you should make it last as long as you can.
Galen said:
genandnic said:
Just giving some advice to the cheaters...
Well cheaters should find out how to cheat for themselves ;)

Play ACCF for 4 years or play it for 20 years... I choose the four, AC games are so long, even with TTing, it's hard to get every single thing. :|
I haven't beaten a single AC before the next one came out. o:
That's the point. The game is supposed to go on forever, just like in real life. Getting everything isn't necessary to have fun with it, and you should make it last as long as you can.
But it lasts too long, and I need TTing, AC would be too slow without it. :|
I'm just not going to wait a year to get something I could get today, I have a life and I don't have all that time just to wait. :/
ryudo_dragoon said:
Galen said:
genandnic said:
Just giving some advice to the cheaters...
Well cheaters should find out how to cheat for themselves ;)

Play ACCF for 4 years or play it for 20 years... I choose the four, AC games are so long, even with TTing, it's hard to get every single thing. :|
I haven't beaten a single AC before the next one came out. o:
That's the point. The game is supposed to go on forever, just like in real life. Getting everything isn't necessary to have fun with it, and you should make it last as long as you can.
But it lasts too long, and I need TTing, AC would be too slow without it. :|
I'm just not going to wait a year to get something I could get today, I have a life and I don't have all that time just to wait. :/
it's not "just waiting". i mean, i don't have animal crossing on 24/7 just sitting there waiting on things to happen. i have a life too, which is exactly why i don't do that. i do play the game how it's meant to be played, however, because let's say you DO have everything.


you quit.

having something to look forward to, at all, is what keeps us interested in a game. so pretty much you're saying you want to beat animal crossing like every other game, which isn't how animal crossing was made to be played.

it's unique in the sense that you play in real time, although i'm not saying it's wrong to time travel. people play how they want - i would just rather enjoy the game as i feel it was meant to be played for enjoyment and for me to look forward to something each time i turn it on, no matter how long i've had it (which is something else unique).

point: it's not meant to be beaten, but if you just have OCD and have to tell everyone you've beat it and get bored of it, i guess go for it, lol.
I agree with Nedrian. If you miss a holiday then it adds another year to look forward to. If you do every holiday and get every song in one week then you just lost years of gameplay.
I'm gonna try this once only, if I don't get a nice song when I tell him my mood.
And I mean only once. (Yes, I'm looking at you, K.K Samba -_-')
I never knew this but yes I'd prefer to wait for them, I have missed a few KKoncerts but I haven't TTed to go back to them.
I have other things to do :)
Exactly this game is based on real life just wait for stuff unless its a house upgrade then tt you know you cant wait
Good idea, I TT but I wouldn't do this.
If you just want to listen to more KK songs, i'd just keep talking. Even though you only get the Aircheck for the first one, you can decide what song to get next week, which as many others have said 'it gives us something to look forward to
I TT, so i'm not against it, but I noly TT for things like the new years shirts which otherwise you'd need to wait around 30 years to get, and the Bedhead, because i'd rather not stop playing for 2 weeks.
Galen said:
I feel that's cheating, I would be patient and play the game it was meant to be played. Anyone is free to do this, but it's only taking away gameplay time.
I once TT'd to 8 on a saturday, got a song, and then TT'd back, but when the time came to original time (8) I still wasn't able to get a song.
Master Crash said:
I once TT'd to 8 on a saturday, got a song, and then TT'd back, but when the time came to original time (8) I still wasn't able to get a song.
It may or may not work on some versions, you see, I found this on the Animal Crossing gamecube. I'm not sure if it works on Acww and Accf. T_T