How to make natural rivers?


Senior Member
May 28, 2020
Mother's Day Carnation
So I got rid of my rivers a while ago and have a plan for how I want my rivers to be. It's nicer to have them seem as natural as possible like they are when you first start your island. But I really don't know how . I found some youtube guides but I don't fidn them very helpful. I really want to know how to make my natural rivers from scratch. Does anyone have tips or a really good guide? Here is an image of how I want them to be:

I mean, you've already got a plan, so I feel like that puts you ahead of the game at least! I think the key to doing natural looking rivers is to make sure the edges look rough and, well, natural. Especially around the corners, I think. If they're perfectly rounded or squared they won't look natural, so try varying the widths and sort of roughing up the edges a bit. If that makes any sense? I don't have a guide or anything, those are just my tips, lol
your river looks good right now. you cant put the river mouths anywhere that you want them to be *unfortunately*. as far as what youre doing though, youre on the right path! i checked this a bit earlier today online and they said that the rivers have to be 3 wide in order to spawn fish. you have an excellent island map too, so that makes things easier; but if youre frustrated try making a few waterfalls here and there, it might spruce the island up a bit :)
I have two south rivers. It’s been difficult to work with that, especially because I wanted the river to look natural. I think it would be very time consuming to get the rivers natural looking, but the one in the picture seems like a great idea.
Your plan looks good! It's very doable, the problem is it just takes a lot of time. Go at a pace you're comfortable with. You don't need to finish the river in one day. Do bits at a time when and when you start getting bored, go do other tasks and come back to it later.

If you need any tips, something I might suggest is that real rivers don't look that uniform. They tend to get narrower in some spots and wider in others. You could do some small tweaking when you actually build it in game but of course, it's up to your preference!
At this point I wanna give up trying to make the river layout I want 😥
Do it in stages.

Thats what I do when it comes to terraforming, I'll do a small area and leave it when I start to get fussy and then I'll revisit it later on and tweak it if I feel like it. Don't feel like you need to get your plan done in one go because you'll get really frustrated with yourself and end up either ending the game without saving or filling in all the terraforming you've done on your rivers. Like everyone else has said, you've got a great plan that can easily be done, so just take your time with it.