How to make villagers move?


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2013
Throwback Tickets
So I have some villagers that I am having issues with. One of them knows I hate her and is actively conspiring against me. She has even gone so far as to hunt down fake paintings to con me with. Yesterday she was in jail all day for her crimes (dug holes around her) and yet she continues to mock me! And and I even believe she is in cahoots with the cat (what kinda pig says meow?)!

This corruption must end and I need your help! How can I be rid of this pig? I have read that I should hit her on the head with net and ignore her... yet also that I need to tell her to leave when she brings it up. But how can I tell her to leave when she brings it up if I'm supposed to ignore her?

She will soon have the entire town out to get me with her pigish meows!
You can always talk to your secretary about "removing" or "confronting" said villager(s)
Push them into pitfalls, and hit with a bug net, also not talking to them AT ALL helps too!
Other animals will be like "I heard so-and-so is should go talk to them"
You can just let them move out and Isabelle will inform you when they leave.
she's really gone too far lol I have a noisy villager too
I hit him and inform Isabelle everyday for about 5 days but nothing happen thus far
I have successfully beat villagers out of my town with the toy hammer. Lol sounds mean I know but it's actually really fun, and WORKS.
One of them knows I hate her and is actively conspiring against me. She has even gone so far as to hunt down fake paintings to con me with. Yesterday she was in jail all day for her crimes and yet she continues to mock me!

Wow, I never even thought it is possible to have a "real enemy" in AC:NL. :eek:
They actively mock you? Really??

PS: I understood something, but still... do villagers really annoy you in any way?

I have successfully beat villagers out of my town with the toy hammer. Lol sounds mean I know but it's actually really fun, and WORKS.

ROFL!! This is getting better by the minute!! ;)
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Hitting villagers and putting them into holes doesn't really work.
I find that what works best is ignoring them completely, just don't talk to them at all. If you are near them and they do that emoticon where they are trying to talk to you, just run away. Sometimes they do that emoticon when they want to tell you that they're leaving town and if you talk to them there is a chance that you might make them stay regardless of what you tell them.

However, even if you ignore her, there is a chance that she might not move for a while as the whole moving process seems to be completely random.

- - - Post Merge - - -

How do you get the hammer?

Its sold at the Island's gift shop (rare item though)
Hitting villagers and putting them into holes doesn't really work.
I find that what works best is ignoring them completely, just don't talk to them at all. If you are near them and they do that emoticon where they are trying to talk to you, just run away. Sometimes they do that emoticon when they want to tell you that they're leaving town and if you talk to them there is a chance that you might make them stay regardless of what you tell them.

However, even if you ignore her, there is a chance that she might not move for a while as the whole moving process seems to be completely random.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Its sold at the Island's gift shop (rare item though)

Pocky's right, its a rare item you can only get at the island. Pocky, have you actually tried the hammer? I find i'm able to hit a villager 5-7 timed before they say something(which is always like, "WHY?!??") and they mope around or are angry. Also i find it much easier because unlike with lets say, a net, you can repeatedly hit them without having them talk to you by accident. Just my observations so far. Ive been selling the hammers and still some for sale but they're priced accordingly due to rarity. Anyone interested can pm me.
Pocky's right, its a rare item you can only get at the island. Pocky, have you actually tried the hammer? I find i'm able to hit a villager 5-7 timed before they say something(which is always like, "WHY?!??") and they mope around or are angry. Also i find it much easier because unlike with lets say, a net, you can repeatedly hit them without having them talk to you by accident. Just my observations so far. Ive been selling the hammers and still some for sale but they're priced accordingly due to rarity. Anyone interested can pm me.

I have not tried the hammer, I want one but they never seem to be on sale T__T (sent you a PM regarding said item) I usually just hit them with the net. But I've stopped after I noticed that the only villager that has moved so far is one that I never hit/annoyed, just one that I ignored completely. Sadly, the villager that replaced her is even worse! I wish that I had known about this resetting trick sooner T__T
For those who suggest having Isabelle deal with the pesky neighbors. I'm pretty sure its to 'reset' either their clothes, saying, or letter in case it is something offensive. Not really anything to do with the villager. I will test it out on one of mine to see if I'm right later.
For those who suggest having Isabelle deal with the pesky neighbors. I'm pretty sure its to 'reset' either their clothes, saying, or letter in case it is something offensive. Not really anything to do with the villager. I will test it out on one of mine to see if I'm right later.
You are correct, this feature will not make them move. It'll only reset their saying/clothes.
I have successfully beat villagers out of my town with the toy hammer. Lol sounds mean I know but it's actually really fun, and WORKS.
LOL, didn't realize you could get a toy hammer outside the minigame.

as soon as i get my hands on one, imma comin for ya derwin.
Wow, I should have gotten a hammer. I put a second character where my cafe will go just in case. Too bad I didn't use this method earlier though when PomPom moved in...on my private beach... :(