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How to Stop Villagers From Moving


Frost Egg Collector
Mar 2, 2018
Throwback Tickets
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Red Pikmin Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Lily
Purple Violet
White Pansy
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
This was originally posted in a thread, but I felt it deserved its own proper blog entry. Took over an hour to write and I'm not about to let it go to waste.

"What's the farthest you've gone to save a villager from moving?"

Set the train station on fire, then I ordered Booker to stand guard outside Lolly's house (who was the the conspirator). I then ordered Copper to begin work on securing the entire town's border. Isabelle had finally found a good military supplier (turns out Crazy Redd sells tanks) and the equipment was on its way.

Meanwhile, Timmy and Tommy were slaving away on the guard towers. I had ordered 20 constructed by sunset. They weren't going anywhere. Not under the watchful eye of Walker, who I had bribed into giving extra rations.

By noon, everything was going perfectly. My villagers were alarmed at how such an oppressive state had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Pashmina had attempted to escape. That was her biggest blunder, as she was instantly taken out by my troops. Soon after, Flip was jailed for attacking an armed guard. The rest of the town mostly stayed in their houses, terrified of what would happen if they showed any sign of dissent.

By evening, the tanks had finally arrived and the entire town was called to watch the military parade. Lolly was not there, as she had been barricaded inside her house. What was more surprising was the fact that Biff had seemingly vanished. Isabelle, trying not to fall over, announced that Biff had been executed for crimes against the party. In reality, I just really don't like Biff, but they don't need to know that. After that, everyone applauded for over 10 minutes. Not because they were pleased with what had happened, but because they feared for their lives. Reluctantly, Wolfgang ceased clapping and sat down, trying to hide his terror. He was the first to stop his applause and thus was later imprisoned.

By 5am the town was in ruin. After the sun had gone down, dissenting voices under the cover of darkness had organized into an armed insurgency. For the entire night, the town was locked in a state of guerrilla war. By morning, the rebels had all but been obliterated. Main Street while once a golden hub of commerce, was now reduced to a pile of ash. Aerial bombardment had been criticized as "complete overkill" but it got the job done. Now there were hundreds of tanks gathered outside Lolly's house. It had been completely boarded up, but just in case that wasn't enough there was an electric fence and barbed wire scattered everywhere around it. It would have been overkill for a professional agent, much less some cat with a few aspirations to see the world.

6:00 AM Isabelle announced on the loudspeaker "let's see what this new day holds for us!" In truth, she was terrified of what was to come. She had become disgusted with her own thoughts, thinking maybe what The Party is doing isn't right, at times even contemplating defecting. "A thought criminal like myself cannot serve the glorious mayor!" She thought while on the verge of tears. "I better turn myself in. I don't deserve it, but maybe they will just throw me in prison." She had been carefully brainwashed by the tyrant claiming to be a mayor, and truly believed herself to be committing a crime.

Meanwhile, Lolly's house had literally vanished. She was never seen again. The rest of the town, envious of their former neighbor, prepared for another day in the new regime. The one thing the I, Supreme Mayoral God-King had set out to prevent had happened. I ruled for a while but was afflicted with a profound feeling of emptiness with the loss of Lolly. Eventually, the town was wiped off the map. The new dictatorship had found itself at war with a coalition of neighboring states, eventually losing a long, brutal war of attrition. Its once vast empire was now fragmented, split between the alliance's strongest members. Then in just a year after the first war, the alliance, built on shaky ground to start with became a distant memory. Without a common enemy, the diplomatic situation had devolved to all out war. The citizens of the former dictatorship barely had time to rest before their country once again became a battlefield. After years of constant bloodshed, peace deals were eventually reached and the region, though still poverty stricken and a shadow of its former self, has managed to somewhat bounce back.
Oh my gosh I expected this to be a legit guide on how to stop villagers from moving but this was 100000x better