Gave it an 8/10!!
- One of the main comments I have is the ticket distribution system for the Pin The Tail. I think it should follow the CITB ticket system but in a way that's like, if you get it right you get 4 tickets, if you get it wrong then you should get tickets based on how far you are in a radial pattern. e.g. getting 1-2 squares away from the correct one gives 3 tickers, 3-5 squares away gives 2 tickets, and the rest get 1 ticket. I'd much prefer someone get at least 1 ticket for participating rather than 0 tickets. But the Pin the Tail itself was super fun and I'd like to keep that kind of game for future events c:
- I kinda wish we had other things to spend our regular tickets on than just balloons, raffles, and IRL prizes
In hindsight it's a bit too much to ask I guess, but also it would be nice if the feathers (at least the solid color ones) or other smaller collectibles could also be bought with regular tickets. Feels weird that the contest winners get 96 tickets to... buy more balloons or raffle draws, I guess? I feel there should be more to it than just that if you're a contest winner.
- In connection to the above point, I think contest winners should also have a "pick your throwback collectible" as a prize, just to up the stakes. They can put a selected pool of what they can choose from if staff doesn't wanna give out high-end collectibles like imposters or the OG glow wands.
- It's still to happen in the future but I feel contest polls should be shortened.... maybe 4-5 days max? Though I understand I'm just nitpicky and impatient LOL
- Very minor thing but I miss the 3x3 gyroid designing contests. LMAO
I do appreciate staff for pulling together this grand event, and I enjoyed all of the events!! My favorites were the invitation and the brick building. I am a Brick Building Bonanza defender and I wish I could use bricklink as an art medium in the future KJLKJDSFLK it was. so so much fun. thanks Chris for the brick event u have changed by life for the better
ALSO the pin the tail was frustratingly fun, I found myself waiting for 9 PM EDT every 4 days for the new puzzle, ever since figuring out the graham puzzle my life has changed (for the better) KJHDSKF