Howdy new villager here


Junior Member
Oct 31, 2020
Hello there my name is Greg.

Picked up a Nintendo switch with Zelda and couldn't resist or go without a day needing to get myself a copy of Animal crossing NH so I am now here killing some time as it downloads.

Can not wait to jump on into my island and see what awaits me.

Any beginner tips as to gettinf some bells and a head.
Hey ReMix, I’m new here too, only got my switch just over a week ago with a copy of Animal crossing NH haven’t had much time to play it properly yet. Collecting is a good way to earn bells, anything you can pick up can be sold.
Have fun and welcome to the forum.
welcome to TBT!! buy a wetsuit as soon as you can, diving for sea creatures was one of the easiest ways I had of making bells in the early parts of my game
Sell them all or donate to the museum
I usually always donate the first one to the museum but they're easy to catch in bulk and they don't need any tools to get (like a bug net or fishing rod which break)