
Everi Daze

Junior Member
Aug 16, 2022
Hoo boy, I hope I'm doing this right... Hello, the name's Everi! Started on New Leaf, but wanting to backtrack and catch the other games at some point. Currently working on the town of Starsong; a quiet sort of town where everyone prefers to live under the night sky! Also working on an island, but I'm planning to get a switch of my own (using a family one) so it's been more of an experimental "what would I like to do" one; It's called May Valley! I have a tendency to make OCs and small stories around the various Animal Crossing games- It's very fun! nwn
Hello, welcome to TBT!

Who are your top three favorite villagers? :D

Oh, hmmm... On the very top is definitely Eugene! He is my little buddy. :3
As for the other two... It's a hard gamble, but I'd say Chevre and either Stitches or Rodeo come to mind! I'm also partial to Gayle, though I've never had her anywhere.
Ooo, nice. Eugene is cool. Stitches happens to be on my New Horizons island!

We're glad to have you here. If you need more information about the site, here's a useful thread.

Additionally, there's currently a TBT Fair going on that's only held once every couple years! It's filled with events and contests you can participate in in order to earn tickets, which can be redeemed for collectibles and prizes in the shop (at the top right of the site). Here's another link to the start thread.

I hope you enjoy your time here! :D
Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your time here. The fair is very fun time indeed. Gayle is a cute alligator!
Hi Everi, welcome to the forums! ^^ The Fair is loads of fun if you decide you want to check it out!
I love the concept for your town! I hope you can get your own Switch soon—do you have any themes in mind for when you get your personal island? c:
@ Venti - Oh nice!! Stitches was in one of my ACNL saves-- Maybe I'll see him again on this (hopefully) forever one. :)

And thank you for the links!! I'll definitely have to look at the FAQ-- And check out the fair, too, it sounds like fun! Thank you!

@ Croconaw - Thank you! And she is... A friend of mine actually introduced me to her, and I've been filled with longing ever since. Her catchphrase is snacky for crying out loud... /lh-pos

@ Merielle - Thank you- It certainly sounds like it! And thank you!!! Small Towns and Night Skies are both my sort of aesthetics, so I'm glad to be able to bring them together in the town of Starsong! (Now if only Roald would remove himself from the front of townhall... /hj)

And I do too-- Hopefully I'll get there soon! As for a theme... It's a tie between the current "town plaza in one area and the rest is farmland" thing I have going on in May Valley, and a more mysterious island that strikes a balance between magic, mystery, and the town where nobody sees it as odd. I'll probably end up doing the latter because it can still hold the current aesthetic-- Just with a little extra story and spookiness. :3 Maybe I'll call that one Lily Valley...
Welcome to the forums Everi!

Starsong is a really nice town name! I'm partial to Eugene and Gayle too, though I only have Gayle on my island at the moment. They are both so adorable. 😊

I hope you enjoy it here! 🌟
(belated) welcome to the forums, everi! i hope you’ve been enjoying it here so far! ☺️

starsong and may valley sound absolutely beautiful, and i love that you come up with ocs and stories for them as well! i don’t do much of that myself currently, but i’d definitely love to start. i think it adds some nice spice and lore to the game, and makes playing more interesting haha.

i hope you’re able to have gayle in your town or on your island (or maybe both!) one day! she really is the cutest lil gator. ^~^ 💖
(belated) welcome to the forums, everi! i hope you’ve been enjoying it here so far! ☺️

starsong and may valley sound absolutely beautiful, and i love that you come up with ocs and stories for them as well! i don’t do much of that myself currently, but i’d definitely love to start. i think it adds some nice spice and lore to the game, and makes playing more interesting haha.

i hope you’re able to have gayle in your town or on your island (or maybe both!) one day! she really is the cutest lil gator. ^~^ 💖
Thank you! I haven't been talking much, but I'm hoping to get some more freetime to!

Thank you again! And it really really does!!! I am always thinking about them and how they interact with others... And have also gotten some cute hc ideas for the villagers too!