How's school goin' so far?


"I'm forever yours... faithfully" 💙💜
Oct 30, 2011
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Sweet Heart Balloon
Glam Heart Balloon
Purple Flower Glow Wand
Pink Heart Balloon
Purple Heart Balloon
Sweet Feather
Glam Feather
Heart Glow Wand
Pink Feather
Purple Feather
So I just started my first day of my senior year of high school this past Monday, and I am already having a great year! It feels nice to have seniority over the other students, and to be able to get away with stuff like acting silly in class (because, you know, I always do my school work), and be friends with, like, all of the teachers.

In order, I am currently taking Pre-Calculus/Trig, Compositional English (for college credit), Government, Physics, 3D Modeling, Physical Education, College Tech Prep Engineering, and Concert Band.

There's a lot of people I know who absolutely hate going to school, but I think it's because they don't have the willpower. I know that if I do what I need to do, get good grades for doing so and paying attention, be respectful and nice, and put forth my best effort, I will graduate with honors by the end of the year! That, and getting a 4.0 or higher GPA, are my ultimate HS goals. This year, I have done everything I needed to do on time, did my best, and was nice to everyone, even people I don't like, and it's going great for me! Through many hardships and much perseverance, I will do great things!! I have bad social anxiety, but it's not gonna get the best of me this time!!

Then again, a lot of other people in my school know how to do good, too. I know it's hard to have fun in a school full of disrespectful students. I was in that situation in 6th grade. Just push through and do your best. Set your goals high! Follow your dreams!!

Try to be positive; don't think of the things you hate about school. Instead, think of the things you could do better, or things you can change.

So how's it going for you? :) Dudn't matter if you're in elementary school or college.
School doesn't smart till Monday and i am not turning in my summer project to embrace my rebellious side or whatever.
I'm a grade behind you (I'm a junior) and I've had the most work I recall ever having, but I'm making more friends luckily, so that's good.
If the work ever stresses me out I have The Beatles, David Bowie, ABBA, and Nirvana all to listen to, so...
By the way, I started school over three weeks ago.
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Basically this:
i start school on september 6th, and i know its gonna be hell

positivity does not exist for me, especially when going to school is going to be awful for me.
I'm doing a Co-op term so I'll be working at IBM for 4 months starting September 6th. Super excited! Getting paid really well too.
i got 2 pts off an a worksheet bc i said hetero/homogeneous cultures were made up of multiple races /one race instead of multiple races and cultures/one race and one culture

lmfao its a tiny worksheet why tf wouldnt she just give .5 on each

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I start on Monday! My classes on Monday are all recorded though so my first day will definitely be spent making notes in bed :)
It hasn't even started yet (starts on Monday) but they moved locations, and by locations I mean entire buildings, for one of my classrooms three times and canceled another class at the last minute... It was so hard and stressful to find a replacement for it since everything else had been full

Luckily it's still summer for me! I don't go back to school until this coming Tuesday. I'll be heading into 11th grade. :>
I'm kind of excited because I finally got into an art class.
It's going pretty weird to be honest :T already got two books lost and my pc is **** to study notes so.. yep :)
It's good none of my teachers except my English teacher gives me a lot of homework. My fav class so far is French 1.
School started August 16.
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